Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Quiet

Last night I had the privilege to participate in a contemplative prayer service called Christmas Quiet. A little hard to imagine right now, but it was my friend Deb Gorczychi's idea that people needed time to come together to be quiet and reflect on the wonder and hope that this season brings. It was a time to honor what your heart was asking you to pay attention to and to honor the light that is shinning so brightly within you.

Each year, Deb has asked me to do a mediation to help people prepare their hearts and minds to receive the light of this season. I would like to share that with you as a meditative reading and I urge you to take a few minutes every day to become quiet and let the light of God that is within you shine shine brightly.

Christmas Quiet Meditative Reading

It is time to take a pause from the world around us, to open our hearts and minds to the light of the season, and to remember that God resides in our very own heart. Right where you are, right now, take a deep breath as you begin to prepare your heart and mind to receive God's ever present blessings. As you consciously take deep breaths allow your body to relax and allow your mind to calm, putting everything else aside and begin to imagine the magnificence of this Season of Light.

In the stars that grace the the blazing sun of dawn... in the light of peace and wisdom...I can hear your quiet song. It is love that fills the night with that warms the weary soul and it is love that sets us free and makes us whole.

Imagine that in the stars that grace the darkness, one belongs to you. Imagine that this star will guide your way when your path is cloudy. Right now close your eyes for a moment and let this star come into your minds eye. This star is your light, it is there to remind you of the light that is within you and the light that is ever present. This illuminates the wonder that is all around us, not just now but always.

Wonder comes in the kindness of a person. Where were you shown kindness today? Where did you show kindness? It is the grace we extend to one is the acknowledgement of the goodness present in our lives. How did you see the goodness in the world today? It is the mystery of God and your star is a reminder of love and goodness... of unconditional love.

We are called to extend love, without condition, to ourselves and others; love is the healing balm that heals the weariest of souls. This is the invitation to is love and let our own lights shine. This is what gives way to peace... hearing God voice...and hearing the wisdom of our own hearts.

Allow this to warm your heart and again imagine you can see the bright star as it shines right into you. Take it is love...imagine that it will guide your heart and give your strength and guidance. Now imagine your star falling gently from the night sky, with no effort from you, to land right in your very own hands. That is God's grace extended to you... look at it in awe and wonder... and like a prayer rising up like incense into the heavens...allow your light to extend out of you as an offering and a blessing to everyone you meet.

Christmas Blessings,


Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Risk of Truth

There comes a time when it is imperative that we really listen to everything we are telling ourselves. We have to decide if we are being honest with ourselves or if we are telling ourselves a little white lie. In my experience, I have found that when we do not tell ourselves or others the truth it is because we are fearful thinking the lie will be protecting the person or ourselves. Lately I have become aware of the ways I have not been honest with myself . Often it was blatant but other times, it is often so subtle it is hard to recognize.

My past was abusive so I always lied about my living circumstances, the amount of danger I was living in and how much fear I really had. One might say that it was justified but I continued it long after the abuse ended and into adulthood. I never told the truth to anyone about my life but that was not really the problem; I never told the truth to myself either. And those lies affected everything.

I eventually had to make peace not only with what happened but with the lies I had told myself. That is where the risk comes is not easy to look inside and realize what I had told myself and realize where that had lead me. Although one day I realized I could no longer be dishonest with myself.

This is where the subtly comes is sometimes so automatic we don't realize we are even doing it. Paula and I just finished the Stories of Hope program where we focused on seeing the light in others but more importantly about seeing it in ourselves. I think many of us are dishonest about that. If we see our deception to seeing our own light it bears some risk. That risk is about knowing our own truth and creating new paths to follow based on a new truth. With this knowledge of who we are, we can no longer stay on a path that limits our vision and our purpose; we must live out our purpose in the world. It is the light in ourselves and others that opens us to the great possibilities that are already there for each of us...we only have to tap into the energy of it to be in sync with our highest purpose.
I would ask each of you to consider looking at the story you are living out each and every day and be sure that it is based on your highest good. That is our true calling to risk what we truly believe and to trust the light that shines from within.
Blessings to you~

Friday, November 21, 2008

Living Each Day

There is no question about it, the busyness of our lives today have taken center stage. How many people are trying to balance work, kids, volunteer commitments, as well as keeping groceries in the house and a clean clothes in the closet? We have not even added to that the stress of how we live our lives with the stress that comes from the uncertainty in our world today.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed with everything that has to be done, cared for, decided upon or watched over. Sometimes we can even feel like a victim of our own circumstances; a never ending cycle that keeps repeating itself despite our best efforts to change it. As this cycle continues it often begins to feel like there is no hope of breaking it, which chips away at our spirits and does not allow the best of ourselves to come out. So the question becomes, how do you begin to break this cycle?

As with any change in your life, the most critical part depends on how much you want the change to occur. It will take a conscious thought and effort to create the life you desire rather than to be at the mercy of your circumstances.

Making this change, means taking control of your thoughts because your thoughts direct your actions. If you can, right now stop and jot down what your thoughts are? Are your thoughts based on fear? Are you telling yourself that things won’t change anyway? Thoughts are so powerful that you are right whatever you think. If you think things will not get better, you are right they will not. If you think that you can make a change, you are also right because you will be able to make the change you want. Having a mindset that empowers you is the first step to moving into what you want more of in your daily life.

With a positive attitude in place, ask yourself these questions. What are the most important things I want to create in my life each day? Do I want to meet each day with stress and anxiety or peace and joy? Which activities feel like I “have to” do them and which ones bring me contentment? Being honest with yourself and your situation will help you define what it is you want. It requires looking within to uncover any beliefs that may be keeping you stuck in old patterns and agreeing to change them so you can move ahead.

Answering these questions will give you a place to start. The next step is to ask how. How can I make the things I want in my life be a priority? How can I reduce stress in even a small way? What small thing can I change today that will bring a welcome change?
Making a change is hard work and requires constant and consistent effort to make it happen. It takes time and often the results you desire do not come overnight, but know that every small change gives you confidence to create the life you want. The most important part of this article is that each one of us possesses amazing possibilities to live a life that nourishes our spirits and fills us with joy. Remember this is a journey that is unfolding so be kind and gentle with yourself and you move into your unlimited potential to create everything you want.

Sandy Thibault is an author, speaker and life coach. She is part owner in Burnsville Counseling and Healing Center and co-founder of the Institute for Peace and Joy. She can be contacted at 952-435-4144 or

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Call To Prayer

A few years ago I spent three weeks in Tanzania. While there I got to know people from many different cultures including people from the remote villages, members of the Maasi tribe as well as people who where Muslim. On the first morning there I remember waking up at sunrise to the Muslim tradition of calling everyone to prayer. Chanting comes over the loudspeaker that reminds everyone in hearing distance that it is time to stop what they are doing and turn their attention to a power higher than themselves. This call goes out 5 times a day and is strictly adhered too.

I was aware of what it was because we had been told about it...but it was different being there and hearing it. The chanting was loud and clear in the still of the morning with the sun just coming up. I could imagine people waking up and their first thoughts were about prayer. It reminded me too that it was important to acknowledge God's spirit within me.

This was on my mind because I was recently reminded of this tradition by the friends I had traveled with. As it sat in my mind I wondered how my responses to the world would be different if I was reminded of God 5 times a day. What if the call to prayer came during a difficult conversation with someone? What if the call came when you were overwhelmed and fearful? What if you were fighting with someone? As I pose these questions I can't help but wonder if I would drop my defenses and come to love and forgiveness faster. I don't know for sure but it would change the perspective.

Every morning when I wake up before I do anything else I mediate and ask for Divine guidance to open my heart and to guide my words and actions in a way that is loving to all. But I am like everyone else sometimes with my best intentions, I fall short of how I want to be. The call to prayer is not part of our culture but I think the idea of it reminds all of us that God is guiding us at every moment even when things are hard. It is a wonderful assurance.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

An Apache Blessing...

May the sun
bring you new energy by day

May the moon
softly restore you by night

May the rain
wash away your worries

May the breeze
blow new strength into your being

May you walk
gently through the world and know
its beauty all the days of your life

I am wondering how many times we take a moment to send a blessing to those people that are important to us? I wonder further... how many times we send a blessing to those people who have hurt us in some way? I choose the picture I did because it represents to me what happens inside when we bless the people around us. And as we do it that, the same blessing happens in us. May you be blessed beyond measure.

You are invited to attend Stories of Hope on Nov. 7th at St. James Lutheran Church in Burnsville. Visit our web site for more information

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Holding Hope...

In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. ~Albert Camus
With Stories of Hope right around the corner I have been thinking a lot about the idea of hope. My question over the last few weeks has been, how do you hold on to hope when all the evidence is to the contrary? It is an interesting and complex question to answer.
I have been trying to answer this for myself. My life circumstances as a child were very hopeless. As an abused child, my life continued to get worse with the violence escalating against me. It literally felt like no way out and and my future looked bleak indeed. In the face of all odds stacked against me, I knew that there was a different life for me and that would change my family.
I have been asked how I knew that and I have had difficulty putting into words. It was not something that came from my logical mind but from my spirit. I had a knowing at a young age that I would be given everything I needed to make a different life for myself. It is hard to hang on to that feeling when the world around me was crumbling, but in the darkest hour the feeling would come back to me. It would allow me to get up and press on. I came to realize at an early age how resilient the human spirit is. This knowing was not in my mind but in my heart and I could feel it in every part of my body. I realize now what an incredible gift I was given to experience this Divine knowing that helped me hold hope in my heart.
I know that this is not only true for me but for you as well. We all have times in our life that seem hopeless and out of our control, but yet we continue on moving into the future with a hopeful heart. That is what our world needs; for each one of us to hold hope for healing our own lives so we can create a future for our children that is hopeful.
That is what Stories of Hope...We Are The Hope For Our Children is about. It is about how we can each look at our own lives, heal the places were we feel wounded and create a world where love and compassion is a generous outpouring of who we are.
I invite each one of you to come to this free gift to the community on Friday night, Nov. 7th at St. James Lutheran Church. Invite others to join you for inspiring program.
For more information visit us at

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Healing Stories

One of my favorite things to do is to get up early and sit on my deck with my coffee to welcome the day. I am often looking at the moon and stars, thinking about the beauty of this world, and the opportunities that lay waiting to unfold in the day before me.
This morning, I am in the after glow of a presentation that my business Partner, Paula and I did last night at our center called, Living Stories. Long ago, story was the way a family or culture would pass down their history, values and beliefs to the next generation. When these stories were told it was much more than passing on the information, it was an eye into the person's heart that was telling the story. When we speak our truth, however painful that may be, we open the door where we can connect to others through the heart: a powerful and transformative tool.
Last night we had an opportunity to do just that. Using my story of abuse as a basis, we talked about the healing journey. I like to call it, A Story of Love and Forgiveness ~ A Journey to Peace.
That is not just what I wanted, we all want that in our lives, regardless of our story. I believe there are some universal principals to healing. An essential part of this process is forgiveness for yourself and others, acknowledging the Divine guidance in your life, seeing God in everything and everyone and offering everyone, including yourself unconditional love.
Is this an easy task? Of course not, it does not come from a logical mind but from a spiritual perspective. They say that you cannot heal a situation with the same consciousness that created it. Forgiving someone, or offering love to a person you think does not deserve it, does not come from your mind; it comes from your heart and for that you need a higher perspective.
I sat in awe last night as I watched the people who had gathered there to hear about what it means to heal. How courageous they were to open themselves to the idea's being presented. I listened as Paula spoke about the ideas that she has always believed since she was a small child.
Early in her life, she had an understanding that is uncommon even among adults now. She was given a gift to help people see God in everything and everyone. She knew early about the power of forgiveness and how that frees you give love and compassion to yourself and others. I watch her as she lives this out each day.
Individually and together, this is our message to all who want to hear it. We each have to refuse to carry anger, judgement and hatred toward ourselves and others. Healing the wounds we carry is a light that shines brightly for others along the path. The picture above shows it best...we all need each other and when we allow our heart to open, we offer our hand to others. I would invite you to come to Stories of Hope...We Are The Hope For Our Children. Healing ourselves is how we create a better world for our children. Please join us on Friday night, November 7th at St. James Lutheran Church in Burnsville, MN . For more information
May you be blessed and be a blessing,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sonnet To Morning

Let me wrap the gift of this new day
and view its contents as a innocent child
accepts the world: with eyes that see the way
to sun beyond dark clouds, where skies are mild;
with voice that lifts in prayer, as birds praise dawn;
with hands that touch each miracle, in awe
of budding leaves or flowers on a lawn
or furry friends with hoof, horn and paw.
Lead me along a path where I will find
in all the precious hours that stretch before,
the chance to help,to listen,to be kind;
to heal the wounds that make the world heartsore.
Oh, let me fill each second so that I
may greet the day with an appreciative eye.
~Sheila Forsyth
Spend a quiet moment this morning to contemplate the day that is yours to create. Blessings to you this day.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Offering What We Have...

Today I heard a friend of mine peform a song entitled, Changed for Good with music and lyrics by Ken Medema. I wish you would be able to hear this beatuful song but I would like to share just a few words that have stuck with me.

No more watching from the top of a tree;
No more watching from a distance to see;
Love is here and love is calling me;
I am being changed
Here is my promise, here is my vow

These are powerful words for our times and the only healing balm. I think of how often our thoughts and actions are the result of the discord we feel within ourselves and in our relationships. We need to know that difficulties in our life cannot be solved with the same consciousness that created them, therefore a higher perspective is needed. I believe that place is the place of love. It is the place where we can hear more than the words being spoken and see more than appears before us. It is in this place of our deepest knowing that holds the most transforming power of all, and that is unconditional love. This is the place where we can all hold each other in our humanness and extend the hand of love, compassion and forgiveness to those around us.

My friends in Idunda, Tanzania, would say it like wo-ko-vu updendo te-na-je-ma . It means offering forgiveness, love, comfort and joy.

So I can offer what I have so here is my promise and here is my vow...offering forgiveness, comfort and joy and extending love to all. Love IS calling me...How about you?


For more information about our upcoming events go to

Thursday, August 21, 2008

More Than One Way to Achieve Dreams...

I have been reading a book called, The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. You may have heard about it, as it has received a lot of publicity in recent months. Randy was a Virtual Reality Scientist and professor at Carnegie Mellon University, well known for its accomplishments in this field. As I understand it, it is customary for professors to give what is called a, "Last Lecture" as a way to impart the wisdom they have learned. What is unusual, is that it is not usually done at the end of their life. What makes this book unusual is that he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given only months to live, and this was indeed his last lecture.

I was awed by his attitude to keep on living and creating in the midst of his illness. He had a wife and very young children he knew he would not see grow up. Randy could have decided to stop living but he did not, instead he decided he could leave a legacy not only for his family, but for anyone who wanted to listen.

There is much to be inspired about in the book, but what caught my attention was how he achieved his own dreams and used that as a model to help others. He believed there was more than one way, or line of thinking that would move someone closer to their dreams. As a child he had a dream to float in the air. Not knowing how that would ever happen he just kept the idea in his mind. One day, more than 20 years later, an invitation came that would allow his students to participate in a virtual reality experience at NASA that included being in the simulator that allowed an experience of floating in space. However, soon he found out that an instructor was not allowed to accompany the students...he was devastated! He decided to resign his position as a professor and apply to go along as a journalist. He was accepted and his dream was realized.
Well, I'm not suggesting that this is a solution for all of us, but it does point us in the direction of re-evaluating how we think about things and the way we have come to believe they need to be done. We all sometimes operate under a set thoughts that have us believe there is one prescribed path, one way to get from A to B and deviating from it does not make sense. When I hold this idea I have to turn my attention inward and ask, Could there be another way? Or how about when another way becomes clear and you reject it because it is not what you thought? My guess is that Randy could have easily dismissed this solution as illogical or impossible, instead of opening to the idea.
When I get to that place, I know I have been holding on too tightly and it is time to let go. I believe that you can never really have something unless you are willing to let it go. It is in the letting go that opens us to spirit, and that opening brings us the place of holiness where the possibilities are more than we can ever imagine. It is as though we have literally stepped into another world, and in reality we have...we have stepped into the fullness of God within us. The place that guides, fulfills and nurtures our souls.
As you think about your dreams pay attention to the places that keep you stuck and separate from yourself and God. I found this wonderful quote today as I looked for something else. It is "The boundary to what we can accept is the boundary to our freedom." The time is now to let nothing stand between you and your dreams!
Sandy is a life coach at Burnsville Counseling and Healing Center and author of Selma's Spirit, A Story of Love and Forgiveness. She will be speaking about her healing journey on Friday, Sept. 26 at 6:30. For more information go to

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Following Your Heart...

The idea and the inspiration for this entry actually came yesterday during my mediation. I however did not write it yesterday because I knew there was more to come before it was to be committed to paper, or in this case the blog. I love the picture I found, our path laid out in front of us and the picture of our heart on that path.
Our head represents our deepest longings and our greatest dreams, but to bring them into being it is imperative that we follow where our heart is leading us. As much as I love this picture, it gives the impression that this road is smooth, and sometimes it is. But what do we do when it is not?
That is the question I have had on my mind this week. I think more often than not, when we consciously choose to be true to who we are, we are asked to prove it. Sometimes I feel that obstacles are put in front of us to help us commit to our dream. If we have so much conviction in what we are trying to pursue, whether it is a personal or professional endeavor, life itself asks to commit to it again and again. I have come to the conclusion that this gives energy and momentum to the dream. I would also be lying if I did not tell you that sometimes it is just nice to have smooth sailing.
Many times following my heart meant smooth sailing, but I noticed when the dream was really big, boulders seem to block the path. In my life I had many reasons to "throw in the towel" as they say it. but I always choose not too. Looking back through my life, I had to make life and death decisions with only my heart as a guide. All of us have situations in our life where we have to weigh what our head is saying against what our hearts know to be true. I have found that my head will give me the easy answer, trying to protect me from more conflict or hurt. But when I check in with my heart, I tap into the spirit of God that surrounds and guides my every step. It is that spirit that I have come to rely on as I move forward in this journey. A bit ago I said I have never been a quitter and often I wondered why; often it was the easy way out. So as I write this I know that my path is to follow my heart, even in the middle of obstacles.

Abraham Lincoln said this, "Sooner or later every man of character will have that character questioned. Every man of honor and courage will be faced with unjust criticism, but never forget the unjust criticism has no impact upon the truth." The book that this quote came from is called, A Traveler"s Journey. The main character in the book is faced with what seems like insurmountable challenges and decides to take his own life. In that space between life and death he is granted the privilege of meeting extraordinary people, some famous and some not. In one part of the book he had the opportunity to meet Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln talked about what people thought about him and his decisions, such as putting an end to slavery. In his day and time he was not winning any popularity contest, but he was a man of heart. He knew that slavery was not right and despite harsh criticism, set people free. When asked how he could deal with such harsh criticism he answered this way, "The secret is forgiveness, it is a secret that is hidden in plain sight. It costs nothing and is worth millions. It is available to all but used by few. If you harness the power of forgiveness, you will be revered, sought after, and wealthy. And not so coincidentally, you will be forgiven by others." Lincoln went to say that he can't change people's opinion of him or the anger they held against him, but he can offer the gift of forgiveness. These are profound words said over a hundred years ago and yet they still speak the truth to us today.

I don't have to tell any of you reading this that standing strong in the face of adversity is not any easy task, but I think it is the most important thing we can do to be true to ourselves. Take a deep breath and decide that you will be true to who you are, what you believe and what you were put on this earth to do. And then with all the heart and love that we have inside us offer forgiveness to those who have hurt us. It then becomes our gift to ourselves, offering us unconditional love that nurtures the very spirit that guides us.

Blessings to you this day,


To get get more information, visit our web site at:

Sunday, August 3, 2008

All IN

This morning I had an opportunity to attend an outdoor community worship service. A friend of mine is part of a singing group called "Sister" and they were leading the service. Just a side note: They are fabulous and right here in our community, so if you ever have the chance to see them perform, please do. The service was simple set in a beautiful park with inspirational music and message. The speaker told his personal story of having it all... money, great career. a wife and family and yet his life was empty and still he was days away from signing the divorce papers that would end his marriage. In desperation he confided in a friend and said he tried it all. His friend replied that he had not tried it all, he did not have a relationship with God. As the story goes, he said his life had always been about him and his ability to make it all happen. He decided then to let it all go and used the metaphor of a poker game. In No Limits Texas Hold'em, when you think you have the best hand you take all your chips and put them in the middle, giving it all up, hoping your hand will take it all. He then suggested you part the chips in the middle and add God to represent that the real power in our lives comes from God.

The speaker was very charismatic and went on for some time as I waded into my own thoughts about what he had said. I very much agree that we have come individually and as a society into a place of making things happen. Most of us believe, at least sometimes, that if we work harder we can make things happen. However, mostly we are left exhausted and still feeling empty just like the speaker said was true in his life.

It is easy to let fear run rampant in our thoughts and wonder how we will meet all the demands placed in front of us. Sometimes it is humanly impossible to see how a solution will ever come. That is it our humanness we cannot come to an answer. It is then that we must relay on Spirit to guide and inform us. I believe that our lives our spiritually guided, we were each created with a purpose so unique it is not duplicated anywhere else. If we push all our concerns to the middle of the table and ask that their very essence be blessed and that we give over to spirit our need to make it happen, infinite possibilities will abound.

A few days ago I was working on our web site and could not get a picture on. I had done it so many times before I could have done it in my sleep. The more I tried the more it would not work. I asked all the computer people I knew and no one could help me. In frustration I sat down and tried again but to no avail. It was then that I closed by eyes and sent blessings to the computer. After a few minutes I tried again to still no avail. I took a deep breath in and whispered a prayer that asked for guidance to complete this. The picture got on without any more problems.

This is not a profound story but it is an example of paying attention to the guidance from spirit that is within us and let that inform our lives. Today, as you move through the day, think about if you are trying to control the outcome or if you are working in harmony with spirit.

Blessings to you,

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Voice of the Eagle

This past Saturday, I had the privilege and the honor to attend an Eagle Scout Ceremony for a boy I had mentored almost three years ago. He was thirteen years old when he asked me if I would help him with two of the most difficult Merit Badges required for Eagle. He said he wanted to do more than the minimum...he wanted to do it in the best way possible. It took almost six months for him to complete these badges as they were not easy, yet he never chose to quit.

As I sat in the school gym waiting for the ceremony to begin, I could not help but notice all the people who had come to help him celebrate this honored rank. The ceremony began with a tradition called, The Voice of the Eagle. It starts by recognizing that the compass is more than a way to find your way in the woods but a guide for life. Four scouts represented the four directions by talking about how each direction gives them guidance to lead their life in a way that is fitting to the ideals of an Eagle Scout.

Since the beginning of scouting the Eagle has represented the ideals that they hold in high regard. The Voice of the Eagle in the ceremony reminds all of us that we must live in a way that is honorable, calling forth loyalty to ourselves and others, be courageous in our ways, and compassionate to those less fortunate than ourselves.

In the Native American culture the Four Directions are also used as a guide for daily life. They regularly honor these directions not only in daily life but in ceremony. The North represents wisdom and strength, East - clarity and illumination, South - wholeness and expectation and the West - authenticity and introspection.

After Andy was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout, I listened as he talked about how he was a model for others and would uphold the ideals that he had learned in a way that would benefit himself, his community and the world. It was a reminder to me to think about, what are the ideals that I hold and how do I live them out each day.? How do I honor the spiritual guidance that comes into my life and how does that light my path? These questions are not new, but serve to add guidance and direction to our lives. Just like the scouts hiking in the woods, they check their compass often to be sure they are on the path they want to be. That is no different for us...we to need to check our internal and spiritual compass and allow it to guide our path.

The wisdom of the Native Americans reminds me of the spiritual aspects of life, that each direction offers a different perspective that adds wholeness to how I see the world. The Voice of the Eagle is also a reminder to me that we are all courageous and strong in our own ways, that each one of us is looking for ways to live with integrity, but most important of all... each one of us has the essence of the eagle within us and are meant to soar in our lives.
Blessings to you as you listen to the Voice of the Eagle that resides inside your heart.

Sandy Thibault is a Life Coach, Partner in Burnsville Counseling and Healing Center and co-founder of the Institute for Peace and Joy. For individual appointments or to inquire about workshops, retreats or speaking for your organization contact her at 952-435-4144. Please visit our web site for more information on all our services

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sweetness In The Belly...What I really wanted to Say...

I read back over the last two entries and realized I have not said what I really wanted to say. Maybe that is why it has taken me six months to write about it, as it is hard to put it into words. The surgery that I thought would heal my back, did not. After three months and much pain, I found myself having the surgery all over again. A gamut of emotions ran through me, sometimes I felt vulnerable, frightened, hopeful and discouraged, to mention only a few. But mostly I tried to stay positive through it all...I realized from the beginning that this would be a time of incredible healing for me, and it has been. This experience has brought with it many ways to experience a deeper level of healing than I would have imagined.
I realized that my body had learned at an early age what it needed to do to protect me. It did a wonderful job and when this injury happened, it again did what it knew how to do; tighten the muscles to protect the body from further pain. But now, my body needed to "let go" so the muscles could relax and begin to heal. It was so evident that even with the work I had done on my past, my body still carried the trauma. I used guided imagery, Reiki, massage and energy work to facilitate this process. But the most important thing I did, was to begin to thank my body on a regular basis for everything it had done for me. This was and still is a powerful and awesome thing for me to experience. I call it Sweetness in the is that place inside us where all things come together; the deep hurt pain of the trauma and expressing deep love and honor for that body that endured it. It is a process of deciding to really love yourself and your body and giving it what it needs to heal.
I have found that when something bad happens to people they tend to shut the windows and lock the doors and pretend that everything is really just fine. In the past, that was my mode of operation too. To let people in would have made me too vulnerable and no one likes to in that place. This idea fosters the belief that we can take care of things our self...thank you very much. This time I knew I could not do this alone nor should I. So if I would allow people to encourage, support and help me through this, it would be important to pay attention to the feelings that come up in me...and that they did. There it is again...that place of sweetness in the belly, the place where our deepest vulnerability meets our deepest desire to receive the blessings others have to offer.
And lastly, I experienced yet another level of forgiveness for both my dad and the man who molested and raped me. It is hard for me to put into words because there was not anything more I had to talk through or do; this was something that I was feeling and experiencing. In meditation I would often feel great compassion for these two men and send them light. So there is was again, that place of being able to hold both the anguish of what they did and forgiveness and love for them.
I think I have said the things I wanted to say for now, but who knows what else may be coming. I look at this journey with a bit of wonder and awe at life for always bringing us what we need to learn and somehow we are blessed by the process itself. I am grateful for everyone in my life who has extended their love and support and I acknowledge Spirit for coming to that place I now call, Sweetness in the belly.
Sandy Thibault is a speaker, author and life coach at Burnsville Counseling and Healing Center. She is also co-founder of the Institute for Peace and Joy. To make an appointment for call 952-435-4144 or go to

Restoring The Divine In You

In my training I as a coach, I was introduced to the Hawaiian method of healing called Ho'oponopono. The word itself means to "make right" and bring "Divine Light" into self and others. This healing method brings to our awareness the discord that arises within us from painful memories that we have held unto, the release of which would bring us into a place of peace and love. I remember learning this process of letting go and bringing love and light into any situation. It was powerful and trans formative as I did this for myself and clients. The native Hawaiians use this every evening to let go of the events of the day, whether they were viewed as good or bad. The idea being that nothing would be carried into the next day so that the day could begin with a clean slate.

Recently I read a book about an updated form of this ancient healing method. The author begins by talking how he became interested in this. He heard a story about a therapist who healed a whole ward of criminally insane men while on staff at a hospital in Hawaii. What piqued his interest is that this therapist never saw the men in a professional capacity. When the author found out that the story was true, he eventually tracked down the man, Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD, and asked him how he did it. His reply was simple but profound. He said he would open each case and look it over, and then ask himself the question, What in me contributed to this man's problems? He would then notice what feelings and emotions came up in him and worked to clear them in himself. After he had been doing this for several months, the administration began to notice that the attitudes of the men and the staff were getting better. There was less violence and eventually the restraints from the men could be removed. Soon programs were being created and the men were able to participate in the larger community without the threat of harming themselves or someone else. Eventually the ward was closed because it was no longer needed.

This is truly an amazing story, an account of how one therapist used Ho'oponopono to make right what was within him and restore himself to the Divinity that is within each of us. Dr. Hew Len believed that we are responsible for the pain of others by what we still have to heal in us. The process he used was so simple that many were skeptical at first. He would be in a meditative state and used these words...

I'm sorry for the part I played in your pain
Please forgive me
I love you

I agree that at first one might wonder how these words could be so powerful but it is much more than just the words, it is the intention behind the words that make it powerful. The first phrase is really about repentance and forgiveness for yourself. How often do we stop and remember that we are not only responsible for our actions, but also our thoughts and feelings we have about others. And then equally important forgive ourselves for that action. The words I love you and peace are calling upon and connecting that which is Divine. It is truly a process of making right and calling upon love and peace to restore balance to our souls.

As children, we learned to say I'm sorry, forgive one another and "make right" the situation. But as adults we have sometimes forgotten to do this in our relationships, and almost never for ourselves. To me it almost feels a little like unconditional love you can offer yourself, infused by the divine light of Spirit. As I have been using this process for myself over the last several weeks, I have found it peaceful and transformative. It is not often we readily take responsibility for the pain in ourselves and others and then offer forgiveness, love and peace. Sometimes at night I find myself going over the events of the day and saying these simple words. I can feel the energy that comes up inside me as I work to heal myself and I know that energy extends out beyond me. Imagine how much healing capacity we each hold within us and we can affect each other and the world around us. Blessings to you as you use these simple words to restore the Divinity that is within you.

Blessings to you,


For more information about us go to

Sandy Thibault is a speaker, author and Life Coach at Burnsville Counseling and Healing Center. She is also co-founder of the Institute for Peace and Joy. If you would like to make an appointment for coaching please call 952-435-4144.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sweetness In The Belly...Continued

I have the most perfect place to write this entry. I am sitting on my deck looking at the deer in the preserve behind our house. It is a gorgeous evening to be writing outside...So, here is more of my experience.

A whole wave of emotions moved through me in those first few days...anger that I had yet another reminder of what had happened to me all those years ago. I felt scared as the pain increased in my right and I began to limp. My emotions were up and down as I looked deep inside for answers. I have done a lot to heal my life and really felt I was moving past many of the triggers and traps that had kept me stuck. So I took another deeper look...what did I still need to look at? What still needed to be forgiven? What is the blessing in this? After all, I knew in the deepest part of myself that this healing was about healing mind, body and spirit. My mind had went over the memories to often to recall and my unconscious mind understood that I could never change what happened to me, but I could and have changed my relationship to it. Over the years, I had spent much time forgiving the people who hurt me...but now it would happen at an even deeper level.

One day in meditation I saw myself looking face to face with the man who had sexually abused me. I observed myself looking into his eyes with compassion as I said thank you to him. Somehow I understood that what happened to me and what I learned about healing was for me to share with others. I'm not sure what had happened in his life that made him do the things he did to me but I felt great compassion for him and a understanding that this was part of my path. I can't tell you why growing up the way I did was my path...but I will tell you looking back it was clear I had been given a share my story in a way that might help others heal.

I was on all kinds of meds to help me until the surgery in mid-February but I also used other things to help me. I spent much in meditation asking for insight and clarity to help me understand. One day I quite simply realized that this was about moving the trauma out of my body. My muscles were taught early what to do to protect me, they did their job well but now it was time to let go. They were tight and spasming around my injury...the only thing is they could not tell the difference between this new injury and the hurts from long ago. You have heard the words...issues in the tissues...well, that is what I am talking about. But safety is a big issue, but thru guided imagery, I was able to just be with my body and start to let myself feel what had been hidden in my muscles. Sometimes we leave our bodies when the pain gets to much too tolerate...and I was good at it. Sometimes it was just too hard to stay with the pain and yet thsat is what we have to do. So now it was about stating present with the pain in my back and staying present to what it brought up. Easy...of course not, that is why we need each other...I knew many people were sending kind thoughts and saying prayers for my healing. When I would sit quietly I could feel the energy of those intentions my friends were sending my way and I could feel the presence of God in each thought and prayer.

I urge all of you to take five minutes to day and be full present with your body. Notice the places of discomfort and simply what your feelings. There is nothing to say or do except to send light and love to that part of you that hurts.

More next week...Blessings to you.

For more information about us go to

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sweetness In The Belly...

It's been a while since I have added something new to this blog. It is not like me...I always write about about what has inspired me, what has intrigued me or made me wonder as I stood in awe of something miraculous. But whatever it is I write about it comes from my experience and the deepest part of my heart. For the last six months however, I have been quiet in my writing, not writing about something that has been going on in my life and the tremendous learning from it. Why I have been so quiet? I'm exactly sure but a week ago I had an insight that as soon I started writing about this experience it would offer healing to myself and others.
It was in mid-December that I started to have an incredible pain in my lower back that ran down by right leg. At the beginning I thought it was nothing that would not go away in a few days, but by Christmas I was in incredible pain that seemed to get worse by the day. I tried a few sessions of physical therapy with no relief and was soon sent for an MRI. Most often, the doctor is the person who gives you the report but I got mine as I went for my last physical therapy appointment. She told me I had a herniated and fragmented disc the was laying at a place where many nerves comes together causing the extreme pain. She said she could nothing to help me and I would need surgery. This is not the worst thing, it happens to many people.
But it what she said next and what my body already knew that made me know this had much greater depth to it than a simple surgery. For a good share of my childhood I was severely abused in many ways. Even though it took me weeks to acknowledge it, I knew that this pain in my back was the same as when my dad used to kick me in my lower back and butt with his cowboy boots or steel tipped work boots. As I sat with the physical therapist, she told me that I was way more likely to have this happen to me than most people. She explained that she could see from the report that my spine had some abnormality to it. When I asked her about it, she said it was from previous injuries...Her words sat hard, and I'm sure she saw it too. Finally I told her about what had happened to me growing up and asked the question I never wanted to the reason for what has happened now? I don't think she wanted to give me the answer any more than I wanted to hear, but she had to say it and I had to hear it. We sat in silence...I fought back tears and she offered her hand and said I'm sorry. I felt like I was experiencing the abuse all over again.
That's when I realized that the surgery was a small part of this and healing would come in a deep and profound understanding and learning on many levels. I did not even understand what it all meant, but I knew without a doubt that I could not do it alone.
Paula, my friend and business partner, asked if she could inform the staff of what was in front of me and ask for thoughts and prayers. Even though I am open about my story, I felt vulnerable and wanted to cover my ache without anyone knowing. But we are a healing center and teach others that we they need each other and it is no different for us. So the email went out and my road to healing at a deep level... body, mind and spirit began to unfold.
I can't tell it all at once but this is a beginning for me to talk about what this experience has been like. It is good for my soul to write and maybe you will see a bit of yourself or have a flash of insight for yourself, but regardless, when we share our stories we are a blessing to each other.
As for the title of this...Sweetness In The will have to wait for more entries to know why it has been given this name.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Arise Today...

I came across this wonderful poem this morning tucked inside a book and it was so nice I just wanted to share it with you as a morning blessing.

I arise today through strength in the sky:

light of sun and moon's reflection

dazzle of fire

speed of lightning

wild wind

deep sea

firm earth

hard rock.

I arise today

with God's strength to pilot me:

God's might to uphold me

Gods wisdom to guide me

God's eye to look ahead for me

God's ear to hear me

God's word to speak for me

God's hand to defend me

Gods way to lie before me

God's shield to protect me

God's host to safeguard me.

This is a Celtic poem translated by John Skinner. I hope you enjoyed it and remember the blessings yet to unfold this and every day.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Simple Math

Simple Math...

Over the last few years I have had a fascination with math especially as it relates to Quantum Physics. I have been so intrigued that I had to buy the book on Einstein when it came out. Now you have to understand that I know very little about math, and the fact of the matter is, I am terrible at it. But there I was at Barnes and Noble to purchase the book. It was at least 3 inches thick and on first, second and third glance I knew I understood very little about what he was trying to say, but I bought it anyway. It is now many months later and I still do not understand most of what I am reading, but I am drawn to the concepts. What I do know is that quantum physics is the science of matter and energy and how they interact. The word quantum means a measurement of energy that is transmitted as a frequency of light. For a long time it has been known that the principles of quantum physics have been associated with what we are now calling, "New Age" idea's. The idea's and the relationship of matter and energy fit together and give explanation to concepts such as abundance, gratitude, attraction and many others. In essence it is really talking about tapping into an energy flow that is all around us. There are many terms for this, some may call that God and others spirit, but regardless of what it is called, our energy is in constant communication with it.
The other day I was reading something and I came across this simple math problem. The author was talking about what matters most in our life and if we knew, we would live our lives much different. So he suggests that you multiply your age times 365. That will give you the number of days you have been breathing on the planet. Now subtract from that 25,000, that is the average number of days people live in the U.S. The result is the average number of days you can expect to live. We might have good genes and live much longer, but we also know that life can end or change in a flash. It is a stark wake up call to pay attention to our lives. How does this simple math problem relate to Quantum Physics...within the principals of Quantum theory lies the idea that we can tap into that energy and that energy interacts in such a way that more possibilities than we ever thought of exist in the universe. Since we know that our thoughts and actions have energy associated with them and are in constant communication with the energy around us, does it not make sense to use our thoughts and actions in such a way that it benefits ourselves and those around us? What would happen if we would open ourselves to the possibility that exists in the universe? It is all available and waiting for us to tap into it!
So I would ask you...when you think about your life are you living it in a way that is most true to you? Are you embracing your passions? Are you finding peace and joy in your life? Knowing that your every thought and action is sending out energy to your body and everyone around you, how might that give you a new perspective of what you do? Today, I invite you to really pay attention to what you are creating with every thought and action and embrace the gift to the world that you are.

Blessings to you~


Healing Intentions Update
Please join us in holding this intention or prayer: That people experience peace, connection and kindness with their neighbors. Our intention is that people will do this form May until the end of August. During that time you will be updated with regular emails and we will have a gathering of all those who participated in September. For more information please visit our web site at If you are joining us in this intention please send us an email so you can be included in the updates and the gathering in the September. Email:

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Please Join us...

Healing Intentions
Over the last years there have been many experiments done around the idea of focused thought and how that changes the outcome of something. In the book, The Intention Experiment, a group of scientists have actually ran experiments where people sent positive thoughts to plants, and with special equipment, they could measure changes in the plant as compared to a control group. I find these idea's just fascinating, but most of us do not have the scientific knowledge or equipment to try this for ourselves...or do we? We don't need to get that scientific to know that the idea of purposefully focusing our attention on something specific works. We are calling it Healing Intentions and some may call it prayer, but most of us believe that we can make a difference in our life, the lives of the people around us and the world we live in when we focus our attention on it.
I think about the people in my own life that have told me about the power of groups of people who have come together to pray for someone; about healing circles I have participated in by spending focused attention on one specific request and what an incredible experience that was. About a month ago we did a Healing Intention group for our staff. We came together for the purpose of focused attention on something that needed healing in their own lives and then also for someone else who needed healing. We spent a few minutes in purposeful and focused attention on each person. When we finished, everyone reported they felt a warm and wonderful even peaceful feeling come over them. Together we talked about the experience itself and many shared their insights and thoughts from this time of quiet repose.
Because we know the power of people coming together to do this, we are expanding this idea to focus on a need within our community. Over the last several weeks we have been meeting with area Mayor's to ask for a community concern that we could use as our focus. With their help we have decided our intention is to bring connection, peace and kindness to our neighborhoods. We have been asking churches and groups of people to join in this effort by spending 3 minutes of focused attention or prayer on this. If you already meet with a group on a regular basis we are asking you to do this as part of your meeting, if not, ask someone to do this with you. We will be doing this for the months of May,June,July, and August. In September we will be having a gathering of everyone who participated. Already churches are joining this effort, as well as individuals and groups. We are very excited about the response we have received already and only expect that to grow.
We invite you to participate with us as we focus our intention on bringing connection, peace and kindness to our neighbors. Everyone who is participating will receive regular emails from us with pertinent information. If you are doing this with us please send us an email and let us know so you can be added to the list. For more information or to join this effort send is an email at
Never underestimate the power that comes when people gather in common purpose. Blessings to you and peace, connection and kindness with all your neighbors.
Sandy and paula

Sunday, April 20, 2008

In His Wisdom

God in His Wisdom made not only seas and seasons, ground and growing things, but time aplenty for each of us to know and to enjoy his inventions and creations. Too often we do not go easy through the day, take our time, settle in awhile to just enjoy the wonder. Maybe if we did we'd not only enjoy our lives a little more but learn to appreciate this, His, most unusual world. ~ Rod McKuen

This morning, quite by accident I found this book of poetry by Rod McKuen. I'm not sure if any of you reading this blog are old enough to remember, but he was quite popular in the early 70's. I read the words over and over again as I sat with the meaning and looked outside to the glorious day emerging. I love it when it is early in the morning and I can sit with all the wonder of a new day. A chance to do things different, be a helping hand to someone in need or enjoy a hug from a friend. In this new day...everything is new and full of possibility. Today, take a full breath and settle in for a moment and be in awe of this world that is around us.



Sunday, April 13, 2008

I am passionate about many things and child abuse awareness and prevention is one of them. The month of April is a month that nationally as well as locally is dedicated to this cause. In 2006 in Minnesota 7,000 children were abused and neglected, 48 children had injuries that were life threatening and 19 children died at the hands of their abusers. As a survivor of child abuse I almost get sick when I type these words because I know the damage it causes physically, emotionally and spiritually to one's very essence.

That's what I would like to talk about's own essence. For much of my life this was way to painful to look at so keeping it hidden was the only option I could imagine for myself. I learned from my abusers that I was not good enough, smart enough, that everything was my fault...well you get the picture. Living into this story about myself was automatic until one day I was challenged to begin to look at my life. Under the cover of trying to prove I was all the things I believed I was not, I found anger, hurt and a deep sadness for everything that was lost because of what happened to me. One day a brave person took a risk and asked how long I was going to hang unto this story. However, I'm not the only one with a story...we all have stories that we carry with us that need love and forgiveness. It was a pivotal moment in my healing when I realized that forgiveness is something you do for yourself so you can find peace and move on.

My father was one of my abusers and after he died I learned from a relative that the abuse in my dad's family went back 4 generations. The abuse was so severe that my great-grandmother went blind because of repeatably being hit in the Head. My dad had many teachers so is it any wonder he handled his own anger in the same way. You can't go back in time, but I wonder how things may have been different if he could have found forgiveness and peace for those who harmed him.

What I do know is that to come to peace, we must forgive ourselves and others. Harboring anger and sadness only eats away at our spirits and closes the door to love. You might be wondering what this has to do with child abuse...It is call for each of us to practice love and forgiveness and come to peace in our lives. Child abuse prevention is my passion but helping people forgive and find peace in their lives is also my passion. If we are going to make a change is this world it first must come thru today choose forgiveness for those who have hurt you, embrace peace and allow unconditional love to flow thru you to everyone around you and I promise you...that is the best gift you can give to yourself, those around you and the world.

Blessings and Peace,


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Joy In Life

This is the true Joy in life.
Being used for purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one.
Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, little clod of ailments.
Complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community.
And as I live it is my privilege...
My privilege to do it for whatever I can.
I want to be thoroughly used up when I die,
for the harder I work, the more I love.
I rejoice in life for its own sake.
Life is no brief candle to me, it is a sort of splendid torch which
I have a hold of for the moment.
And I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before
handing it on to future generations.
~George Bernard Shaw
For more information about Burnsville Counseling and Healing Center and the Institute for Peace and Joy visit

Friday, March 21, 2008

Spinning Straw Into Gold

I bet you have forgotten about the fairy tale that this phrase comes from? I certainly had until it came to me this morning! I always thought that fairy tales really did not have much merit, but if they don't, how have they been around all these years! The reason this came to me is because I was thinking about the events of our life that shape us into who we are or put us on a different path than we might have otherwise taken. The straw of our lives... how does that turn into gold?

It seems that has been a question for a long time. A long, long time ago, before fairy tales, there was a process called alchemy. It is the process of turning a base metal into gold. The word also has two additional meanings; transforming something ordinary into something special and/or, an inexplicable or mysterious change. That is really what I am talking about here...when has that happened for you...something extraordinary has happened that defied what should have happened? What event, relationship, or situation was a transforming moment that helped to shape you you are today?
This has been a life long passion for me. Since I was a small child I was fascinated by the lives of extraordinary people and how they took the events of their lives and used them to guide their path in life. As I became an adult I realized that as a child I thought those people only lived in books or on T.V., I did not realize then, that we all have times in our life when the ordinary has been turned into the extraordinary or we have beat the odds.
At our staff meeting this week I asked these questions and then sat back to listen. With every story I was so inspired by the personal moments of extraordinary guidance and transformation. I was in awe of how straw turned into gold and how the universe conspires to help turn something that seemed like adversity into a blessing.
So...I would like to ask you...Where are the places in your life that straw has turned into gold for you? What is one thing that was a transforming event for you? or Where has something in your life defied the odds? As I go back to those places in my own life or have the privilege of hearing someone story, I find it is a place of Spirit and can feel the sacredness at what has transpired because of it.
I would love to hear from you if you care to share your own expereince. You can post a comment on this blog or send an email to
Peace and Joy,
Please visit our April calender at:

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Spirit of Bagger Vance

One of my favorite movies of all time is, The Legend of Bagger Vance. The movie has been around a while, but it has a wonderful message about finding your inner spirit and using it to guide your life. The story itself is about three famous golfers from the 1940's who are playing in a tournament in Savannah, Georgia. One of the golfers, Randolf Juneau, has just returned from the war where his whole platoon perished and he was the only survivor. He returned home feeling like he had lost his spirit, his inner compass. Before going to war, he had been a world class golfer and was finally convinced to be the third golfer for this tournament. He agreed under much protest as he had lost his will to live much less to play golf. But he had agreed, a promise was a promise. He found his clubs, hit a few balls and seriously questioned his decision. It was then that someone named Bagger Vance appeared out of nowhere and agreed to be his caddy. Along the way he offers him a lot of advice but not really about golf.
At first his advice is about overcoming his obstacles and at one crucial juncture where the course got hard and it looked like the shot was impossible, Bagger said, you will have to choose...Everyone has one true purpose and you will have to choose to align yourself with that purpose if you intend to play this game. His advice to Juneau all along had been about going inside to find his center and allow that to guide him, but the game is was talking about was life itself.
That is why this is such a great movie, because this is good advice for us too. Our life is not much different,we all have obstacles to get over. There are times when things get hard and it is difficult to see our way. We all need to find our center; that place where spirit resides and we can access the wisdom that is waiting for us. I like to think this is the place to live life from...a place of integrity, compassion and love. To live from this place you have to choose just like the advice Bagger gave;to align yourself with your inner most self and there you will find your purpose.
In the movie, Juneau comes to a place in the tournament where he has to choose to tell the truth even though it might mean he will lose this tournament. His golf ball moved ever slightly and to tell the truth he had to call a penalty on himself. That same thing happens to us every day...something happens and we have to decide if we will honor our spirits and what we know or let it slip by. Even his opponents in the golf game wanted to let it slide but he said, " I will know and so will you. " Every time we let something slip by, we chip away at our spirit and soon we find that we too have lost touch with the very thing that acts as our compass and guides our way.
Events in life continually ask us to live out what we believe. We are beckoned to find our center, embrace our spirits and live in alighment with that. That is why I have chosen a picture of a labyrinth. It is a tool by which we can find our center and reside there for a bit. There are many places where you can walk a labyrinth but you can also get personal ones you can trace with your finger. I have added two links where you can get information on labyrinth's and print off one to use. It does not matter how you decide to do it just that you do it. Consider this an invitation to find find some quiet time, light a candle and trace your spirit back to your center and allow it to guide your life.
For more information about who we are and what we do visit us at

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Spirit Within

I carry you within me,
just as you carry me.
You who console and comfort,
inspire and instruct,
shelter and shape my soul.
More than a refuge,
you are a complex community,
living in me as I live in you.
If I look I will see you,
If I listen I will hear.
You call me to live.
You call me home.
I want to answer.
This poem found me a few days ago and begged to be shared. It came from a book called Earth's Echo, a book of sacred encounters. Today find a sacred space to come home to is what we are all longing for.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Day of Grace

A Day of Grace
Oh, God, give me grace for this day.
Not for a lifetime, nor for this week, nor
for tomorrow, just for this day.
Direct my thoughts and guide them.
Direct my work and bless it.
Direct the things I say and give them blessing too.
Direct and bless everything I think and speak
and do. So that for this one day, just this one day,
I have the gift of grace that comes from your presence...
~Marjorie Holmes
Yesterday, this poem found me and I wanted to share it with you. I have decided its beauty comes in its simplicity...grace, it is pure and simple and a gift for all of us to accept and extend to each other. So rather than taking away its essence by adding words, I would invite you to let grace enter into you and surround your day.
Wishing you a grace filled day,
For more information about who we are please go to

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm Sorry...Not So Much!!!

Have you ever felt yourself be in a habit of saying or doing something that you can't quite break out of? For me, it has been saying I am sorry...a lot! People who know me will most certainly agree that I will apologize for everything! Because for some strange reason, which I might add is out of others understanding, I can find how I was at fault...somehow...I had to be! Who else would be????
This is really not funny, but I can't help but laugh at myself as I write this and just how out of balance it seems. But I'm not going to be too hard on myself this time. That would be my usual mode as it is for many of us, to make judgments about what we are and are not, or who knows what other evidence our mind can use to further it's case for negative thinking. But No!, not this time. I know what has brought me to the, " I'm sorry state" and that is all I need...the awareness that this is where I am and where I am moving from helps me to move forward to get more of what I want. I have a newly coined phrase for that called a "conscious choice point". It is the place where I can use the awareness that has come to me, refuse to harbor judgement about it, and make a conscious choice to move into what I want as a gift to myself and then that also becomes a gift to others.
This was like an AH HA moment that has been coming for a long time. I knew I was doing it and even wanted to say I was sorry for saying it...not all that pretty. It came to me over the last two months as I have been dealing with a back issue that has put restrictions on what I can and cannot do that has been a drain on my energy. There were things I could not do or energy I did not have to give that made me feel not as capable...and everyone knows how uncomfortable that feeling is! Well, it is where I went a time or two also. And then, just like that, I realized this is one more way I keep myself a victim, by being less than . It is one thing to apologize for something I truly did, but quite another to do it from a place of not being equal. Think about that for a moment and realize of powerful that can be? How often by our own hand ,do we deal a powerful blow to our inner being, our very own hearts? That's where those messages end up you know unless they get redirected.
Each one of us has this incredible light that is inside just waiting to beam out into the world and for our own well-being and as a gift to others. What awareness comes to you that would help you remove the perspective that clouds the light? When I think about this simple idea of saying I'm sorry too much and the blessing from learning this, I can't help but to feel free and joyful. It is like a breath of fresh air! So that is why I picked this particular picture because it makes me feel free and alive. I want that for you too.. give yourself a little freedom to remember the great spirit within you and is a guide that is helping you illuminate your very being. Close your eyes and take a breath and for this very moment, allow light to fill your heart and let it fill you!
So for now...I'm sorry...not so much! And when I forget...thank you for reminding me!
Joy to you,