I am passionate about many things and child abuse awareness and prevention is one of them. The month of April is a month that nationally as well as locally is dedicated to this cause. In 2006 in Minnesota 7,000 children were abused and neglected, 48 children had injuries that were life threatening and 19 children died at the hands of their abusers. As a survivor of child abuse I almost get sick when I type these words because I know the damage it causes physically, emotionally and spiritually to one's very essence.
That's what I would like to talk about here...one's own essence. For much of my life this was way to painful to look at so keeping it hidden was the only option I could imagine for myself. I learned from my abusers that I was not good enough, smart enough, that everything was my fault...well you get the picture. Living into this story about myself was automatic until one day I was challenged to begin to look at my life. Under the cover of trying to prove I was all the things I believed I was not, I found anger, hurt and a deep sadness for everything that was lost because of what happened to me. One day a brave person took a risk and asked how long I was going to hang unto this story. However, I'm not the only one with a story...we all have stories that we carry with us that need love and forgiveness. It was a pivotal moment in my healing when I realized that forgiveness is something you do for yourself so you can find peace and move on.
My father was one of my abusers and after he died I learned from a relative that the abuse in my dad's family went back 4 generations. The abuse was so severe that my great-grandmother went blind because of repeatably being hit in the Head. My dad had many teachers so is it any wonder he handled his own anger in the same way. You can't go back in time, but I wonder how things may have been different if he could have found forgiveness and peace for those who harmed him.
What I do know is that to come to peace, we must forgive ourselves and others. Harboring anger and sadness only eats away at our spirits and closes the door to love. You might be wondering what this has to do with child abuse...It is call for each of us to practice love and forgiveness and come to peace in our lives. Child abuse prevention is my passion but helping people forgive and find peace in their lives is also my passion. If we are going to make a change is this world it first must come thru us...so today choose forgiveness for those who have hurt you, embrace peace and allow unconditional love to flow thru you to everyone around you and I promise you...that is the best gift you can give to yourself, those around you and the world.
Blessings and Peace,
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