Friday, November 30, 2007

Passing on the Hope...

Passing on the Hope...

It's very early morning and most of the world is still asleep. I look out my window to see it is still dark and a soft sprinkle of snow covers the ground. I pour coffee into my favorite Christmas mug, light a candle and spend some time alone to reflect and ponder about all that is and all that will be. People tease me that I am not a morning person, but this is a precious time of the day. It is a time when the day is new and we can focus our intentions on how we want to participate in the coming day. But it is also a time to be open to wisdom, guidance. and the awe and wonder of this world.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of December, a month that calls forth peace, joy and light in the darkness of the year. It is also the month of miracles. While these things are always here just waiting for us to embrace them, we often push them aside unable to take them in. But December calls them forth again like a cherished friend.

Not only this month, but this day brings brings gifts and miracles into our lives. Surely the kind that is wrapped in pretty paper and ribbons, but more so the kind of gift we carry in our hearts. The miracle and wonder of the oil that burned for eight days, the royal son born in Bethlehem and the return of light on the longest darkest night of the year and yes, most of all...the light that shines within all of us.

It is time for all of us to get reacquainted with our own light and begin to let it shine for all to see. It is fitting that just as I am witting this, something has called my attention to the window where I see the the first light of the day. It is just a sliver, but it is beautiful as it sits on the horizon. This light is beautiful in all of us and as we let it shine, it brings the gifts of peace and joy, opening us to the place inside us where hope resides.

I would invite you to helps us remind people of the hope that is within them and comes to them. Read the following blessing for yourself and for someone else. Each time you do this you help brighten the light in yourself and the world

A Blessing for Self
Light a candle and say: I give thanks for the light that shines in me from the Source of all Life. Let the light that is within me increase and grow to extend kindness and compassion for all.

A Blessings for Other
Light another candle and say: I give thanks for the light that shines in (persons name) from the Source of all Life. Let the light that is within (persons name) increase and grow to extend kindness and compassion for all.

Blessings to you as you let the light shine within you and extend the light out to others.

Sandy and Paula

If you would like us to add your names to our tree in our waiting room please send their first names by email. We would also love to hear any comments or stories you might have about Passing on the Hope. Feel free to pass this on to others. Click here to send an email

Institute for Peace and Joy 17305 Cedar Ave. Suite 230Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 952-435-4i44

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Wonder and Light of the Season...

Thanksgiving is over, my sons have gone back to their college's and homes, and some of the preparations for Christmas have begun. In our family, we have a tradition to watch the Muppet Christmas Carol on Thanksgiving night, which officially begins the holiday season. I especially like the music, in part because it is happy, but also for the meaning in the lyrics. Toward the end of the movie, a question is asked...How do you keep Christmas in your heart? That is a question worth pondering, regardless of your religious belief. It is true that Christmas is a religious holiday, but I believe it is also a time of spiritual wonder and light.

My heart must have known I would ask how I can keep wonder and light in my heart even before the words were spoken. In reality, it is not really a holiday question, it is a life question. This past week a wonderful children's book was put in my hands...well actually about 10 books. I won't be keeping them all, but I'm sure you will hear about a few of them. The one I want to tell you about is called, Kiki's Hats by St. Paul author Warren Hanson. It is about his next door neighbor who knitted hats for fun and gave them away. When she gave her hats away she always gave two, one for the person and one for them to give away. It caught on like an epidemic and soon people far and wide were giving away her hats because it was a good thing to do.The inside cover of the book says, "We each have the power to create something good that can last a lifetime ~ and beyond. That what happens when we let our own lights shine; we pass hope on to others. I think that is what we are all called to let our inner light shine so that it can illuminate the path for someone else.
With this story in mind, I ask you... how will you let your light shine? How will you let the wonder and light of the season fill your heart? How will you pass on the hope?
In the week to come you will receive more information about how you can Pass on the Hope. We realized the need for hope is on-going and continues long after Stories of Hope ended, so we have idea's that will help you pass it on to others. Look for that information coming soon.
If you would like to hear what others said about Stories of Hope and see pictures of the event go to
Peace and Joy,

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Thanksgiving Blessing

A Thanksgiving Blessing
~I remember with gratitude the fruits of the labors of others, which I have shared as a part of the normal experience of daily living.
~I remember the beautiful things that I have seen, heard, and felt ~ some as a result of definite seeking on my part, and many that came unheralded into my path, warming my heart and rejoicing my spirit.
~I remember the moments of distress that proved to be groundless and those that taught me profoundly about the evilness if evil and the goodness of good.
~I remember the new people I have met, from whom I have caught glimpses of the meaning of my own life and the true character of human dignity.
~I remember the dreams that haunted me during the year, keeping me ever mindful of goals and hopes which I did not realize but from which I drew inspiration to sustain my life and keep steady my purposes.
~I remember the awareness of the spirit of God that sought me out in my alones and gave me a sense of assurance that undercut my despair and confirmed my life with new courage ans abiding hope.
~For all...I am ever thankful~
~Howard Thurman

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Perspective of the Heart~

Have you ever wished that everything in life was smooth and easy? How silly is that question; of course you have and so have I! But what happens when we hit a rough spot, perhaps it is with a life circumstance or a relationship that is not as smooth as we would like. When things get difficult, all of our worst fears come to the surface. Sometimes making it difficult to discern between what is fear, and what is not. It alters our perspective, and as a result we say and do things that are out of alignment with our deepest intentions. Years ago, I learned this little saying about fear using the first letter of the word: False Evidence Appearing Real. Sometimes fear seems bigger than life itself, but is not the only thing that clouds our perspective in difficult times. We all have our experiences and beliefs that inform us, telling who we are, and who we should or could be, but often we forget who we really are.

Difficulties in our life cannot be resolved with the same consciousness that created them, therefore a larger and higher perspective is needed. I believe, that is the exact purpose of the things in our life that are difficult, it is so that we look deep inside to that place of our greatest knowing. This is the place where we can hear more than the words that are spoken and see more than what appears before us. In is the place of our deepest knowing that holds the most transforming power of all, and that it is unconditional love. It is the love we have for ourselves when we fall back rather than stepping up, it is the love we extend to our friends and family when they are not seeing all of who they are. This is the place where can all hold each other in our we don't live up to what we are capable of and how we do let our own light shine. In times that are difficult it is imperative that we reside in this place of spirit to heal and transform. In our society, we often just leave when things are hard, we believe it is just easier than figuring it out. When we stay with, using our heart as a guide, we find the true gift of relationship.

The people of Africa are highly relational, and they understand the importance of relationship as a basis for their daily is one of the most important things I learned. They do not leave anything unsettled for long. In fact, after something has been resolved, perhaps a difficulty with a friend, they extend a blessing to each other as they move forward. The relationships we have, are gifts to be treasured. I would invite you to offer a blessing to those who are important in your life, especially if something has been hard. I chose this picture, Angel of Spirit, to remind me to extend unconditional love to those around me, and let the mystery and power of love, guide, heal and transform. Blessings to you this day~

If you would like more information about the Institute for Peace and Joy please visit our new website at

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Darkest Hour is Just Before Dawn

I have been thinking for days about what I would write on the blog this week. Nothing really came to mind which is a bit unusual for me... but the one thing I know for sure, is that I always write about what is on my heart and mind.
I have been thinking a lot about hope as we prepare for Stories of Hope on Friday. The question I have been sitting with is, what brings us hope when things get difficult and there is no evidence that everything will be ok? You probably know what this place feels like... when the world you know does not make sense. What keeps us putting one foot in front of the other in a forward movement to what we desire? What keeps us from shrinking back and hiding our head in a pillow? Where do we find hope?

I can't answer that question for you, but I do know that we will not find it outside of ourselves. Hope comes from that place deep inside of us where spirit resides...the place we go to that gives us life even when we we feel lost. It is a homecoming of sorts, when we surrender our need to make sense of it all, to our deepest knowing that the outcome does not rest in our hands. When we know this in our heart we relinquish everything to something much greater than ourselves. In our logical world we may try to understand it, but it is not meant to be understood. When our hearts are open this great mystery guides, enlightens and transforms us.
There is a saying that says, the darkest hour is just before dawn. In the darkest hour we may be scared and not be able to see our way out and then in the middle of what seems black , a sliver of light appears and soon the magnificence of dawn is upon us. We stand in awe of what is before us just like we stand in awe of the spirit inside us that gives peace that passes our human understanding. Blessings to you as you find that place of your deepest knowing.