I have been thinking for days about what I would write on the blog this week. Nothing really came to mind which is a bit unusual for me... but the one thing I know for sure, is that I always write about what is on my heart and mind.
I have been thinking a lot about hope as we prepare for Stories of Hope on Friday. The question I have been sitting with is, what brings us hope when things get difficult and there is no evidence that everything will be ok? You probably know what this place feels like... when the world you know does not make sense. What keeps us putting one foot in front of the other in a forward movement to what we desire? What keeps us from shrinking back and hiding our head in a pillow? Where do we find hope?
I can't answer that question for you, but I do know that we will not find it outside of ourselves. Hope comes from that place deep inside of us where spirit resides...the place we go to that gives us life even when we we feel lost. It is a homecoming of sorts, when we surrender our need to make sense of it all, to our deepest knowing that the outcome does not rest in our hands. When we know this in our heart we relinquish everything to something much greater than ourselves. In our logical world we may try to understand it, but it is not meant to be understood. When our hearts are open this great mystery guides, enlightens and transforms us.
There is a saying that says, the darkest hour is just before dawn. In the darkest hour we may be scared and not be able to see our way out and then in the middle of what seems black , a sliver of light appears and soon the magnificence of dawn is upon us. We stand in awe of what is before us just like we stand in awe of the spirit inside us that gives peace that passes our human understanding. Blessings to you as you find that place of your deepest knowing.
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