~I remember with gratitude the fruits of the labors of others, which I have shared as a part of the normal experience of daily living.
~I remember the beautiful things that I have seen, heard, and felt ~ some as a result of definite seeking on my part, and many that came unheralded into my path, warming my heart and rejoicing my spirit.
~I remember the moments of distress that proved to be groundless and those that taught me profoundly about the evilness if evil and the goodness of good.
~I remember the new people I have met, from whom I have caught glimpses of the meaning of my own life and the true character of human dignity.
~I remember the dreams that haunted me during the year, keeping me ever mindful of goals and hopes which I did not realize but from which I drew inspiration to sustain my life and keep steady my purposes.
~I remember the awareness of the spirit of God that sought me out in my alones and gave me a sense of assurance that undercut my despair and confirmed my life with new courage ans abiding hope.
~For all...I am ever thankful~
~Howard Thurman
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