Saturday, September 27, 2008

Healing Stories

One of my favorite things to do is to get up early and sit on my deck with my coffee to welcome the day. I am often looking at the moon and stars, thinking about the beauty of this world, and the opportunities that lay waiting to unfold in the day before me.
This morning, I am in the after glow of a presentation that my business Partner, Paula and I did last night at our center called, Living Stories. Long ago, story was the way a family or culture would pass down their history, values and beliefs to the next generation. When these stories were told it was much more than passing on the information, it was an eye into the person's heart that was telling the story. When we speak our truth, however painful that may be, we open the door where we can connect to others through the heart: a powerful and transformative tool.
Last night we had an opportunity to do just that. Using my story of abuse as a basis, we talked about the healing journey. I like to call it, A Story of Love and Forgiveness ~ A Journey to Peace.
That is not just what I wanted, we all want that in our lives, regardless of our story. I believe there are some universal principals to healing. An essential part of this process is forgiveness for yourself and others, acknowledging the Divine guidance in your life, seeing God in everything and everyone and offering everyone, including yourself unconditional love.
Is this an easy task? Of course not, it does not come from a logical mind but from a spiritual perspective. They say that you cannot heal a situation with the same consciousness that created it. Forgiving someone, or offering love to a person you think does not deserve it, does not come from your mind; it comes from your heart and for that you need a higher perspective.
I sat in awe last night as I watched the people who had gathered there to hear about what it means to heal. How courageous they were to open themselves to the idea's being presented. I listened as Paula spoke about the ideas that she has always believed since she was a small child.
Early in her life, she had an understanding that is uncommon even among adults now. She was given a gift to help people see God in everything and everyone. She knew early about the power of forgiveness and how that frees you give love and compassion to yourself and others. I watch her as she lives this out each day.
Individually and together, this is our message to all who want to hear it. We each have to refuse to carry anger, judgement and hatred toward ourselves and others. Healing the wounds we carry is a light that shines brightly for others along the path. The picture above shows it best...we all need each other and when we allow our heart to open, we offer our hand to others. I would invite you to come to Stories of Hope...We Are The Hope For Our Children. Healing ourselves is how we create a better world for our children. Please join us on Friday night, November 7th at St. James Lutheran Church in Burnsville, MN . For more information
May you be blessed and be a blessing,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sonnet To Morning

Let me wrap the gift of this new day
and view its contents as a innocent child
accepts the world: with eyes that see the way
to sun beyond dark clouds, where skies are mild;
with voice that lifts in prayer, as birds praise dawn;
with hands that touch each miracle, in awe
of budding leaves or flowers on a lawn
or furry friends with hoof, horn and paw.
Lead me along a path where I will find
in all the precious hours that stretch before,
the chance to help,to listen,to be kind;
to heal the wounds that make the world heartsore.
Oh, let me fill each second so that I
may greet the day with an appreciative eye.
~Sheila Forsyth
Spend a quiet moment this morning to contemplate the day that is yours to create. Blessings to you this day.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Offering What We Have...

Today I heard a friend of mine peform a song entitled, Changed for Good with music and lyrics by Ken Medema. I wish you would be able to hear this beatuful song but I would like to share just a few words that have stuck with me.

No more watching from the top of a tree;
No more watching from a distance to see;
Love is here and love is calling me;
I am being changed
Here is my promise, here is my vow

These are powerful words for our times and the only healing balm. I think of how often our thoughts and actions are the result of the discord we feel within ourselves and in our relationships. We need to know that difficulties in our life cannot be solved with the same consciousness that created them, therefore a higher perspective is needed. I believe that place is the place of love. It is the place where we can hear more than the words being spoken and see more than appears before us. It is in this place of our deepest knowing that holds the most transforming power of all, and that is unconditional love. This is the place where we can all hold each other in our humanness and extend the hand of love, compassion and forgiveness to those around us.

My friends in Idunda, Tanzania, would say it like wo-ko-vu updendo te-na-je-ma . It means offering forgiveness, love, comfort and joy.

So I can offer what I have so here is my promise and here is my vow...offering forgiveness, comfort and joy and extending love to all. Love IS calling me...How about you?


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