Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Imagine 2007

As part of our desire to imagine good things for the future, we are decorating a tree that sits in our waiting room. Ornaments in the shape of a globe are available for people to write what they imagine and hope for 2007. The staff and people who come into our office, young and old, are encouraged to participate. We would love to hear what each one of you reading this blog might imagine for 2007. You may do that by clicking on "comment" button after this entry and write your comment. We will fill out an ornament with your entry and add it to the tree. We thought you might like to read what others have said...

~ People seeing good in each other
~ A World at peace
~ Families loving each another
~ Have fun
~ That no child ever goes hungry or gets harmed
~ Accepting differences
~ Happiness and total Forgiveness
~ Love based programs and help
~ People believing in a God that loves us all
~ Cures for all illnesses
~ Tolerance and understanding
~ Each of us can make waves of peace. Together we can make peaceful rivers. Keep the river flowing.
~ People who no longer bully others
~ Peace with neighbors
~ No more war - ever
~ Happiness and joy.
~ Trust
~ Enlightenment

Sunday, December 17, 2006

~The Breath of Christmas~

Listen...can you hear it...the breath of Christmas that is? I know it is there, I heard it this morning...

~ It came in the words spoken in Amharinga, Mandrain, French and Spanish. The words were not understood but the message came through just the same.

~ It can be heard in the voice of the songs being sung...each voice as unique as the person singing it, letting this expression of who they are come forth.

~ It can be seen in the sparkle of a friends eye ~ the look of soft understanding that permeates your very being.

~ It comes as grace...the grace bestowed upon us and the grace we in turn give to those around us for the well-being of ourselves and the world.

That is what the breath of Christmas is...a reciprocal giving and receiving that nourishes our very being. Just like our breath, taking in life giving air and letting out what no longer serves us. The giving and receiving, we need them both to nourish our soul.

The Breath of Christmas...what is it for you?

We would love to hear from you... we invite you to post a comment or reflection on this blog.

Dona Nobois Pacem

Friday, December 1, 2006

The Power of One

This is a quote on authentic power from a book called, The Power of One by Sharif Abdullah. He writes, "In Chinese, the character for "power" has three elements. One part is forward motion; the second part is a heart; the third part is a goal. Therefore, the Chinese definition of power is moving forward, with heart, to achieve a goal. When you have all three elements, heart, forward motion, and a goal, you are beginning to achieve authentic power. If you do something without heart, without love, it lacks power. If you act without a goal, you act without power."

People define personal power in various ways and I wonder how the impact of that definition gets played out in our everyday life and in the interactions we have with others. The idea of personal power brought to mind this quote by Margaret Mead when she says, " A small group of thoughtful people could change the world, indeed its the only thing that ever has." With this in mind, imagine what the world might look like if we acted from a place of authentic power.

We would love to hear from you and invite you to make comments by clicking on the comment section at the bottom of the post. Blessings in your journey.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Time of Preparation

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas seems to be a time of waiting for Christmas to come. It is really much more than that. In the Christian traditions this time is called Advent and is really about preparation as well as waiting. We are not a culture that waits for much of anything. There is fast food, information at our fingertips, fast and easy answers to the most complex problems...you know exactly what I am talking about. The mind set seems to be that there is not time to wait for much of anything. A question that comes to mind is what are we willing to wait for and what would make that worthwhile?

The idea of waiting can also be about preparation just like this time of Advent. You hear it in Biblical songs and text that people were waiting and preparing their hearts and minds for a birth of a Saviour. Even if this is not your belief system, there is something very important about preparing your heart and mind for the mystery of everyday living. This is not a place of instant gratification...instead this is a place of pause. The pause may be meditation, prayer, journaling, or painting. It does not much matter because the pause is the quiet place in which the spirit can enter. It might be called a sacred place, an opening in which grace can enter our lives. What would our world look like if individually and collectively we were willing to prepare and wait as our lives unfold?


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Welcome to Healing Conversations

This blog has been created in hopes of initiating and encouraging healing conversations with friends, co-workers, communities and all those interested in perpetuating peace and connection with one another and our world. We are in desperate need of finding deeper truths within ourselves and for seeing the potential for harmony in the midst of the turmoil we experience in our world. Healing conversations is meant to provide a forum for openhearted and open minded discussion about what draws us together and lifts us to awareness that rises above the pain of separation. We invite you to share your ideas here, read what others have to say, and bring them to your families, your workplace and anywhere you are in conversation with people. Then bring back what you hear and share it on this blog.

For those of you that are in our area, we invite you to participate in a face to face discussion of matters that are of importance to all of humanity, we invite you to join us for Questions of the Heart, an open forum held the first and third Mondays of each month from 6:30 to 8:00pm at Burnsville Counseling and Healing Center, 17305 Cedar Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044. Seating is limited, call to save a space at 952-435-4144.