Sunday, December 17, 2006

~The Breath of Christmas~

Listen...can you hear it...the breath of Christmas that is? I know it is there, I heard it this morning...

~ It came in the words spoken in Amharinga, Mandrain, French and Spanish. The words were not understood but the message came through just the same.

~ It can be heard in the voice of the songs being sung...each voice as unique as the person singing it, letting this expression of who they are come forth.

~ It can be seen in the sparkle of a friends eye ~ the look of soft understanding that permeates your very being.

~ It comes as grace...the grace bestowed upon us and the grace we in turn give to those around us for the well-being of ourselves and the world.

That is what the breath of Christmas is...a reciprocal giving and receiving that nourishes our very being. Just like our breath, taking in life giving air and letting out what no longer serves us. The giving and receiving, we need them both to nourish our soul.

The Breath of Christmas...what is it for you?

We would love to hear from you... we invite you to post a comment or reflection on this blog.

Dona Nobois Pacem

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