Sunday, October 28, 2007


Two years ago I had the pleasure of being a teaching assistant for the Therapeutic Coaching program I had graduated from. It was a remarkable experience as I watched them change and transform every part of themselves throughout the duration of the class. I became very close to these students and we shared a special bond. This weekend I came across a beautiful poem they had written and framed for me. It goes like this...


In its very essence...

Creative manifestations with remarkable results, effects and outcomes.

Open ended in how it happens, beginning with an idea or an intention, and continually proceeding with the surrender and reshaping of the self.

Holding surprises, teaching us what we did not know before we began, ever expanding our awareness of our true selves.

Guiding us along the path of our purest unique potential.

As I read this I could not help but think that this is what life does for us if we let it. Our life experience continually asks us for a gentle surrender so we can awaken to something new. John O'Donohue, a well known spiritual writer tells us, " We live between the act of awakening and the act of surrender." I have realized for myself the gentle peace that comes from surrendering all of who I am to something much greater than myself. The gift in that is the gift of grace...the divine assistance given to us for the nurturing of our souls. In this place we can be cradled in unconditional love.

I hope you can join us for Stories of Hope, Friday November 9th, 7 PM at Prince of Peace Church in Burnsville.



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