I bet you have forgotten about the fairy tale that this phrase comes from? I certainly had until it came to me this morning! I always thought that fairy tales really did not have much merit, but if they don't, how have they been around all these years! The reason this came to me is because I was thinking about the events of our life that shape us into who we are or put us on a different path than we might have otherwise taken. The straw of our lives... how does that turn into gold?
It seems that has been a question for a long time. A long, long time ago, before fairy tales, there was a process called alchemy. It is the process of turning a base metal into gold. The word also has two additional meanings; transforming something ordinary into something special and/or, an inexplicable or mysterious change. That is really what I am talking about here...when has that happened for you...something extraordinary has happened that defied what should have happened? What event, relationship, or situation was a transforming moment that helped to shape you you are today?
This has been a life long passion for me. Since I was a small child I was fascinated by the lives of extraordinary people and how they took the events of their lives and used them to guide their path in life. As I became an adult I realized that as a child I thought those people only lived in books or on T.V., I did not realize then, that we all have times in our life when the ordinary has been turned into the extraordinary or we have beat the odds.
At our staff meeting this week I asked these questions and then sat back to listen. With every story I was so inspired by the personal moments of extraordinary guidance and transformation. I was in awe of how straw turned into gold and how the universe conspires to help turn something that seemed like adversity into a blessing.
So...I would like to ask you...Where are the places in your life that straw has turned into gold for you? What is one thing that was a transforming event for you? or Where has something in your life defied the odds? As I go back to those places in my own life or have the privilege of hearing someone story, I find it is a place of Spirit and can feel the sacredness at what has transpired because of it.
I would love to hear from you if you care to share your own expereince. You can post a comment on this blog or send an email to http://www.inpeaceandjoy@msn.com
Peace and Joy,
Please visit our April calender at: http://www.counselingandhealing.com
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