The speaker was very charismatic and went on for some time as I waded into my own thoughts about what he had said. I very much agree that we have come individually and as a society into a place of making things happen. Most of us believe, at least sometimes, that if we work harder we can make things happen. However, mostly we are left exhausted and still feeling empty just like the speaker said was true in his life.
It is easy to let fear run rampant in our thoughts and wonder how we will meet all the demands placed in front of us. Sometimes it is humanly impossible to see how a solution will ever come. That is it exactly...in our humanness we cannot come to an answer. It is then that we must relay on Spirit to guide and inform us. I believe that our lives our spiritually guided, we were each created with a purpose so unique it is not duplicated anywhere else. If we push all our concerns to the middle of the table and ask that their very essence be blessed and that we give over to spirit our need to make it happen, infinite possibilities will abound.
A few days ago I was working on our web site and could not get a picture on. I had done it so many times before I could have done it in my sleep. The more I tried the more it would not work. I asked all the computer people I knew and no one could help me. In frustration I sat down and tried again but to no avail. It was then that I closed by eyes and sent blessings to the computer. After a few minutes I tried again to still no avail. I took a deep breath in and whispered a prayer that asked for guidance to complete this. The picture got on without any more problems.
This is not a profound story but it is an example of paying attention to the guidance from spirit that is within us and let that inform our lives. Today, as you move through the day, think about if you are trying to control the outcome or if you are working in harmony with spirit.
Blessings to you,
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