Sunday, February 10, 2008

An Artist's Prayer

O Great Creator,

We are gathered together in your name

That we may be of greater service to you

And to our fellows.

We offer ourselves to you as instruments.

We open ourselves to your cereativity in our lives.

We surrender to you our old idea's

We welcome your new and more expansive ideas.

We trust that you will lead us.

We trust that it is safe to follow you.

We know that you created us and that creativity

Is your nature and our own.

We ask you to unfold in our lives

According to your plan, not our low self worth.

Help us to believe that it is not too late

And that we are not too small or too flawed

To be healed~

By you and through each other ~ and made whole.

Help us to love one another,

To nurture each other's unfolding,

To encourage each others growth,

And understand each others fears.

Help us to know we are not alone,

That we are loved and lovable.

Help us to create as an act of worship to you.

~Julia Cameron

This prayer is in the book, Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I think it ia a prayer for life. Blessings!


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Anonymous said...

I have worked with the Artists' Way and this is a lovely prayer. I've done about 30 pieces with religious influences. I have so many art pieces in my condo and I need sales. Half my income was taken and i am 68 years old. I need to know if God wants me to continue using my talents - I also sew and am a good writer. I've used those talents for the greater glory of God in my church and in my community. I am alone - no husband or kids or grandkids. I have a bit of a relationship with nephews and niece but i don't see them often enough. I am scared for the future.

Unknown said...

Anonymous artist, Don't be afraid. You have talent and skills, and I believe the Lord, our Creator has a special loving place for those that He's blessed with creativity! Art, sewing, writing... He has lavished his blessings on you! Perhaps if you reach out and connect with others in your church or community it may help ease your fear of the future, and you may find (remember the chapter on synchronicity?) and outlet to sell more of your art. I know stepping out and making friends and acquaintances is not always easy, but at our age (I'm 64 this year) what do we have to lose? I'm praying for you.