It has been said that the world shrinks or expands according to one's courage. Every day we are presented with many possibilities for our life, some of which we know and understand, but many that we do not. It is difficult when we don't understand or know the outcome but yet we are asked to trust and step out in faith. It takes a huge amount of courage to step beyond our comfort zone to see the world that is waiting for us to discover. As our group of 8 travels to Tanzania and visits the remote villages, we have no idea what gift we may bring or far greater, what gifts we may receive. By stepping out in courage, our world will be changed we ways we can't even imagine. But you don't have to travel to Africa for that! Everyday we are asked to act out in courage as a response to our lives. I would invite all of you to take a moment and look at the times when you acted without knowing or understanding. Know that in those times it was trust that guided your path and relied on an understanding that was beyond human understanding.
Blessings to you this day as you look at the opportunities that life brings your way with courage. Trust that your path is being guided even when you are uncertain. Know that when you step out in courage, our world will be changed in ways we can't imagine.
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