For many years I worked in an elementary school helping kids in the classroom. Third and fourth grades were my favorite, but I loved all the grades. Going to work each day was an adventure. You were never quite sure how the day might unfold, but more specifically it was wonderful to see the world through the eyes of a child. I remember the countless times when the adults in the room were stuck on how to solve something and the kids in all their innocence said, why don't you do it like this?. The adults would look at each other as if to say, it was so simple we could not see it. It makes me wonder if most of what we need is right in front of us. Our ability to see it gets clouded over with self inflicted rules of how we view life. Even if we are not always aware of it we can't help but bring into our life all of our past experiences that have influenced how we see the world. We all carry this with us, but it only becomes a problem when it gets in the way of what we want. That's what I love about children...the world looks different to them, not so full of clutter. Most often, the experiences of life have not etched away at their innocence. Their view of the world is one of wide eyed curiosity and marvel at even the smallest things. They are open to being vulnerable when they get hurt and receive love more openly. Yet they are quick to let you know when they can do it for themselves. In essence, children give and receive love more easily, speak what is true, and forgive others so they can move on. What comes so easily to children is much harder for us, but what would happen if we tried it out for a hour or a day? It makes me wonder what is there for us to learn when we remember the child that is part of all of us.
When was the last time you lingered long enough to marvel at the beauty of nature?
When was the last time you did something fun right in the middle of the day?
Today, no matter what take time to honor the child in you!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
A "Not So" African Reflection
It has been one year exactly since I had the opportunity to spend three weeks in Africa. The one question I asked myself before I went was, am I willing to allow my heart to open wide enough to take in the experience and would I allow a change to occur in me? I asked the question around Africa, but it is really a life question. We can all ask ourselves right now, in the places where we are at, that very same question. I have heard people say over and over again, there is nothing more constant in life than change. In my own life I know that to be true. I found myself breaking in the places that I hold rigid and opening in the places where I bend. And so yes, I was changed by Africa but I have also been profoundly changed my things right here in my life and community. Change in our world is standing before us like a beacon. It is up to us to use our experience and faith in God to guide our path toward change. In light of the violence in our world, we can no longer afford to be close minded and close hearted. Opening places in ourselves for change to occur is a risk. Our group felt it in Africa, and I feel it at home. However, my experience tells me that allowing a change in me has rewards beyond what I can imagine. Blessings~
Thursday, April 19, 2007
A Moment of Silence

It has been one week since the shootings at Virginia Tech. This is an invitation to take a moment of silence for the victims of that tragedy. Remember the places in your own life that need healing and nurturing. A while ago a friend gave me this Prayer for Peace. Even though it feels like our peace had been disrupted, I would like to share it with you now. We need to hear it now more than ever.
Prayer for Peace
Thank you spirit for manifesting peace in our world
Thank you for teaching me how to be peaceful
Thank you for the peace I feel inside now
May I be a catalyst for peace in the world
May I live peacefully
I am at peace
I am at peace
I am peace
I am peace
I am peace
~from Praying with Power
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Intentional Conversations

We would very much like to hear about the ways you come together in meaningful conversation. If you wish you can post a comment on this blog.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Stepping Out In Courage

It has been said that the world shrinks or expands according to one's courage. Every day we are presented with many possibilities for our life, some of which we know and understand, but many that we do not. It is difficult when we don't understand or know the outcome but yet we are asked to trust and step out in faith. It takes a huge amount of courage to step beyond our comfort zone to see the world that is waiting for us to discover. As our group of 8 travels to Tanzania and visits the remote villages, we have no idea what gift we may bring or far greater, what gifts we may receive. By stepping out in courage, our world will be changed we ways we can't even imagine. But you don't have to travel to Africa for that! Everyday we are asked to act out in courage as a response to our lives. I would invite all of you to take a moment and look at the times when you acted without knowing or understanding. Know that in those times it was trust that guided your path and relied on an understanding that was beyond human understanding.
Blessings to you this day as you look at the opportunities that life brings your way with courage. Trust that your path is being guided even when you are uncertain. Know that when you step out in courage, our world will be changed in ways we can't imagine.
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