Healing Intentions
Over the last years there have been many experiments done around the idea of focused thought and how that changes the outcome of something. In the book, The Intention Experiment, a group of scientists have actually ran experiments where people sent positive thoughts to plants, and with special equipment, they could measure changes in the plant as compared to a control group. I find these idea's just fascinating, but most of us do not have the scientific knowledge or equipment to try this for ourselves...or do we? We don't need to get that scientific to know that the idea of purposefully focusing our attention on something specific works. We are calling it Healing Intentions and some may call it prayer, but most of us believe that we can make a difference in our life, the lives of the people around us and the world we live in when we focus our attention on it.
I think about the people in my own life that have told me about the power of groups of people who have come together to pray for someone; about healing circles I have participated in by spending focused attention on one specific request and what an incredible experience that was. About a month ago we did a Healing Intention group for our staff. We came together for the purpose of focused attention on something that needed healing in their own lives and then also for someone else who needed healing. We spent a few minutes in purposeful and focused attention on each person. When we finished, everyone reported they felt a warm and wonderful even peaceful feeling come over them. Together we talked about the experience itself and many shared their insights and thoughts from this time of quiet repose.
Because we know the power of people coming together to do this, we are expanding this idea to focus on a need within our community. Over the last several weeks we have been meeting with area Mayor's to ask for a community concern that we could use as our focus. With their help we have decided our intention is to bring connection, peace and kindness to our neighborhoods. We have been asking churches and groups of people to join in this effort by spending 3 minutes of focused attention or prayer on this. If you already meet with a group on a regular basis we are asking you to do this as part of your meeting, if not, ask someone to do this with you. We will be doing this for the months of May,June,July, and August. In September we will be having a gathering of everyone who participated. Already churches are joining this effort, as well as individuals and groups. We are very excited about the response we have received already and only expect that to grow.
We invite you to participate with us as we focus our intention on bringing connection, peace and kindness to our neighbors. Everyone who is participating will receive regular emails from us with pertinent information. If you are doing this with us please send us an email and let us know so you can be added to the list. For more information or to join this effort send is an email at inpeaceandjoy@msn.com
Never underestimate the power that comes when people gather in common purpose. Blessings to you and peace, connection and kindness with all your neighbors.
Sandy and paula