Saturday, September 29, 2007


I am a collector of spiritual quotes and sayings and so they seem to make their way to me. When I am touched by something I will tuck it in a book, always finding it again at just the right time. That's the case today, I was looking for just the right thing, and it appeared. The following is how U Thant, former Secretary of the United Nations, envisions the Spiritual. It is nicely said, and I hope you enjoy it.

"Spirituality is a state of connectedness to life.

It is an experience of being, belonging and caring.

It is sensitivity and compassion, joy and hope.

It is harmony between the innermost life and the outer life,

or the life of the world and the life of the universe.

It is the supreme comphension of life in time and space,

the tuning of the inner person with the great mysteries

and secrets that are around us.

It is the belief in the goodness of life

and the possibility for each human person

to contribute goodness to it.

It is the belief in life as part of the eternal stream of time,

that each of us came from somewhere and is destined to somewhere, that

without such belief there could be no prayer, no meditation, no peace, and no happiness."

We invite you to Stories of Hope on November 9th, 7 PM Prince of Peace Church in Burnsville MN. This is a free and is our gift to you to come and expereince an eveing of inspirationa stories, music and artwork all meant to instill hope and inspiration into our everday lives. We are asking for your stories and artwork that reflect how you have come through a difficult time to a place of greater peace. For more information about submitting a story or about the event go to our web site at

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Stories of Hope

Stories of Hope
From the time I was a small child in grade school, I was fascinated with people's stories. As a third or fourth grader, I would go to the library and pick out books about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Mostly they were humanitarians helping to make this world a better place. I was so fascinated with people lives and how they chose to do live their Passion's out in the world. Of course as a small child I did not know that, but in the most basic form, I knew they had much to teach me about life. At the same time, even tho I did not know it, the story of my own life was unfolding. I began looking outside of books for ways to learn about life. My life growing up was traumatic at best and I needed to learn ways to cope. So I listened intently to people as they told their stories so I could learn who they were and what they valued. At an early age I knew if I listened hard enough, I could hear something that would help me find my way. Little did I know that all these years later, I would become a story teller too.

Stories have been around before we had a written language. For centuries it was the only way that traditions and customs of families and villages were passed from one generation to the next. As we have moved on we have found many other ways to tell our stories but none as powerful as when we speak from our hearts. I love to tell stories and almost everything I tell has a story to it. Through the years I have told about my family, my children and the many projects and experience's I have had. Through it all I never once thought I would tell the story of my life that started to unfold when I was a small child. This part I kept hidden away never to be told...or so I thought. Sometimes our life begins to unfold in ways we never imagined and that is what happened to me. As a young child up through high school I was physically, emotionally and sexually abused. This is a story that I had kept under lock and key. I never thought it would be told, but life had other plans. It was a long journey to heal my life but as I did, I started to tell what it was like to go through this difficult time and what it was like to heal from it. I soon realized other people found hope and inspiration for their own lives in what I said. I felt like I entered a holy place each time someone told me thy found a something that helped them see their life in a different light.

That is how the idea of Stories of Hope came about. The idea is that we all learn from each other's life experiences and that gives us hope and inspiration for our own lives. Stories of Hope is an event that will take place on Friday evening, November 9Th at 7 PM at Prince of Peace Church in Burnsviile, MN. The Institute of Peace and Joy, a new non profit in partnership with Burnsville Counseling and Healing Center is sponsoring this event. It is a program of hope and inspiration through people's stories, poetry, music and artwork. We believe in the power of people's stories to inspire and help people find possibilities for their own lives. This program is open for all to attend and is our free gift to the community. There has never been a time when the community as a whole is in need of inspiration.

I am not the only with a story to tell...we are looking for your stories, art work, music and poetry that has lead you through and dark and difficult place to more peace and wholeness. WE want to hear from you and we are asking you to submit your story! You will find more information about this event as well as guidelines to submit your work. You can find this by visiting our web site at

Of all the stories I have told, and the most powerful I have heard, all came from the same place; that sacred and deep place within our very own hearts. We want you to mark your calendars gather some friends and come to this evening of extraordinary hope and inspiration. See you on November 9th!

Blessings to you,


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Webkinz...What are we doing?

On Saturday, I stopped by a local gift shop to pick up a few items. As I entered the store I saw a sign announcing they had Webkinz. I had seen the sign in a few other stores so I guessed this must be a popular item, much like the Beanie Babies had been many years earlier. When I checked out I thought I would ask what they were. The clerk was excited to tell me they were small stuffed animals and each one comes with a secret code that you use to log into the Webkinz web site. The stuffed animals, or pets as they are referred to, need to be taken care of. The secret code entitles you to play games so you can earn virtual money to buy virtual food, clothing and other things for your pet.

Well...I just started to laugh almost hysterically at how absurd it was. I was quickly told that the pets teach children to be responsible since they have to be fed and taken care of daily. In one instance a girl became concerned about how she would care for her pet while on vacation because she may not have access to a computer. I knew better than to keep on laughing at the absurdity of it, but I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I simply said, what are we doing and what are we teaching our children? The look on the clerk's face told me I had said enough as she reminded me that they taught kids to be responsible.

I got in my car and as I drove home I could not get this out of my head. We buy children a stuffed animal by which they get a code to play computer games so they can buy fake food to feed a fake pet? What are we doing and what are we teaching our children?

Surely I must have missed the point of this. I logged unto the Webkinz site to check it out and sure enough that is what it is. They even address questions like can my pet die? They assure you that a pet can only get sick from not enough food or attention. If that happens you log on, play more games to earn money to buy food for your pet.

I will stop carrying on about this but I did stop to wonder about some things. What happened to parents teaching their children responsibility? How can we teach caring, love and respect for things when our model isn't even real? Today in our culture we are losing our ability to connect to one another in ways that are meaningful. If we believe certain things are important to teach our children we can't let someone or something else do that for us. I'm wondering if we care for others in a way that is compassionate and loving. There is no substitute or anything more powerful than teaching our children the values we hold dear...that is a sacred task and it belongs to each of us. I understand we can get lost in the craziness if life and lose sight of things but we have to step back and get some perspective. It is important to to ask if our actions are matching what we think is important. So today, take a step back and get some perspective on your life.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

It's All About Grace...

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost and now I'm found, was blind bit now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved...
As you read these words you can probably hear the song being sung in your head. I have to be honest, this has never been one of my favorite songs. However, it was my grandmother Selma's favorite. As a small child I would sit next to her in church as she sang this song with great reverence. I knew there was something important about it but never really knew what it was. Many years later I sat in that same church and sang this song with great reverence at her funeral. Again, I knew there was something I was not understanding. I have spent much time thinking about it...not the song as much as the idea of grace.
Our year long theme at church this year is Amazing Grace. Everything will revolve around this idea. And So I had to ask myself, just what is so amazing about grace? According to Webster it is unmerited Divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification. When I think about this meaning I can't help but think that alone is pretty amazing! It is true that you will often hear that grace is a free gift from God. It is available to all and does not have to be earned. It is given for the sacred purpose of spiritual renewal to each one of us. I believe it comes to us a peace, joy, understanding at the most unlikely times. So if grace is a Divine and Holy gift given by our do we extend it out beyond ourselves....
That is what I want to keep learning to extend grace to others. Sometimes I have trouble putting into words how exactly it is we can extend this Divine gift to those around us. I have a friend who has taught me more about this amazing gift than I could have learned alone. She has taught me what I have come to know about grace
~It comes in the softness of a persons eyes when they speak
~It is not in the words as much as in the spaces between the words
~Sometimes it is no words at all
~It is the unconditional love held for another
~In times of difficulty it is saying, bless you and change me
In essence it is not so much about what is done as what is felt that describes grace. It is a state of being that comes from the heart and enters the very essence of another person with love and compassion. That is what my friend and my grandmother Selma taught me.. just how amazing it really is and how we each can show each other the essence of grace.
Grace to you,

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Who Are You Most Like?

What an absolutely beautiful could not be more perfect! I have been sitting on my deck meditating and taking in the nature that surrounds me. I am in awe of this universe.

Many times I include a reading as part of my early morning ritual. The book I am using right now is, The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. He talks about two people who changed our world, Christopher Columbus-explorer and Carl Jung-psychologist. Columbus set out looking for a new world to claim while Jung looked inwardly with intent for the very same thing. They both found something... Columbus found a new world, fame and fortune and Jung found the inner most places of ourselves; the place of unconditional love. Both men became famous but the path seems quite different. One looked outwardly and one looked inward. One keeps you separate from the universe and the other connects to it. I can see myself in both of these men. The part that wants to conquer and the part that realizes I am a part of this grand universe. I am not separate at all just like you are not. Of course I have choice about my actions, but we are all connected and guided to a force much greater than ourselves. I had to ask myself, who am I most of the time, Columbus or Jung? I would like to say the answer is always Jung but I am human, and sometimes I slip into fear that takes me away from what I know to be true. If you look at your life who are you most like? What if we need some of each...looking inward and then acting outward? That is what living conscious is about. We must learn to look deep inside ourselves for answers, trust in the guidance of that which is greater than us and live our life with passion and purpose. Trust that the unconditional love that available to all of us, is the greatest gift of all.

Blessings to you this day! I hope you are enjoying this Labor Day Weekend...and be sure to have some fun!
