Last week I watched the T.V. special by Oprah called, Building a Dream. It had been a dream of hers to build and develop a leadership school for girls in Africa. Just a few months ago, this dream became a reality when the school opened in South Africa. This show talked about the thought, care and love that went into making this dream a reality.
Having travelled to Africa just last year this show held special interest for me. The picture above was taken in Tanzania, Africa. These students are from the Image (E-magi) School and they were welcoming our group to their small village. While I was there I had the opportunity to visit many schools and interact with students of all ages. In a country where half the population is dying from AIDS and are largely uneducated in many areas, education is of extreme importance. Headmasters of schools and other leaders we met with, understand that if Africa is to rise from poverty and disease they need to educate their people. That is why the leadership academy Oprah built is so important.
But, that is not what really peaked my interest as I watched the special. As I traveled the villages of Tanzania and watched and interacted with the people (sometimes with translators and sometimes not)I realized the people have a strong sense of self. For the most part, they are clear about who they are and what they bring to the world. But they are also human. As I watched Oprah interview each girl I heard this same sense of self come through. Then she interviewed one girl who said with tears rolling down her cheeks, "Do you think I am good enough?" It is true, that question is part of all of us. Sometimes we are brave enough to say it out loud and sometimes it just hangs there like a cloud. With a tear coming down her face, Oprah gave the girl a hug and said, "Yes, I think you are good enough". We should all know we are "good enough" but sometimes we just need someone to put their arms around us and help us remember that yes, we are all "good enough" just as we are.
I believe that is the most important thing we can do for ourselves and others is to stay connected to our own self worth and help others do the same. That is the beauty of being in relationship with self and helps us to re-connect to that part of us that gives us life. And it is our relationship with others that helps us remember when we have forgotten.
~Blessings to you~
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Sandy and Paula
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