Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Angel of Possibility

The picture to the left is called a Possibility Angel. When I saw it I just knew it was perfect for this entry. As I was thinking about the idea of What is Possible, two people kept coming to my mind. They were Anne Frank and Nelson Mandela. I could not help but wonder how Anne could see the possibility in life when she could not even see the light of day. Hidden away in an attic, knowing that at any moment her family could be found and taken away to a death camp. How could she see the light in that? Yet her writing shows a person of great inspiration and compassion. I think about Nelson Mandela, who through his years in prison, never grew bitter and could still see possibility for his life while offering compassion to those who held him captive. More recently, in fact just a few months ago, I heard about a group of climbers who got caught in a terrible storm on Mount Hood. They were lost for several days in a raging storm with little chance of survival. When they were rescued they were asked, " What did you do?" They reported that they did many things right, but the most important thing they did, was to maintain a positive frame of mind. They made this their intention, and never allowed each other to think negative thoughts. They never allowed themselves to give up hope. In essence, they believed what was possible in midst of a situation that looked impossible. I think that belief in what we can't often see or feel is the Angel of Possibility.

Many of us have probably not been in this extreme kind of situation but I am sure we have all been in places in our life where we have been left with the question of what is possible? I know that is certainly true in my own life. All of my growing up years were filled with all the forms of abuse. My world looked pretty dark not only to me, but also to everyone who came in contact with me. It was difficult to see that there was any possibility of of keeping myself safe, much less find a way out of my oppressive and desperate situation. As an adult, when the trauma of my childhood looked me square in the face, I again had to ask, what is possible? I remember one day when I was 8 years old I saw in my minds eye, my heart. In the center of it I saw a flame so small it could barely be seen. I did not have words for what I saw, but I knew that flame meant a way out of where I was. I knew it then, as much as I know it now, that the flame showed me that something else was possible for my life and that it was present inside me. You might say this wisdom was beyond my chronological years of understanding, but that is the point exactly. This wisdom does not have barriers, it is a simple truth that is available to all of us. It does not matter what our life situation is, because we all have that flame inside us that allows us to see what is possible. I encourage you to look into your heart to find the essence that allows you to see what can be. Embrace it with all you have and let the Angel of Possibility guide your path.
Blessings to you!


Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Mystery of the Ocean

I believe their is a life force that is part of all of our lives. It is like an energy so to speak, a natural order of things that helps to guide our path. For the most part is runs outside of our awareness, but if we allow ourselves to become quiet and still enough, we can feel its presence. Sometimes I get a visual representation of it and for me one of the places I feel it is when I am at the ocean. It is a very powerful visual indeed. For the last several days I have been walking in the ocean and I find myself getting lost in the waves. Sometimes the waves have carried me farther out than I intended to go or farther down the beach than I planned. I almost felt lost in the power and mystery of it. At that same time I noticed feeling lost, I would look up to refocus and get another perspective. I thought how much like life this is...sometimes I get lost, sometimes for a short while and sometimes much longer. I love the idea of letting the waves carry me to unknown places to experience life in many different ways. But I also know that I am partially a creature that needs focus. How wonderful it is that we can have both forces at play in my life. I can't describe a better or more exhilarating feeling than when the energy of our life is in alignment with our focus or vice verse. Whatever you are doing today, stop and take a moment to become still tap into the energy that guides your path. Be present to the incredible wonder and mystery of your life as you allow both focus and spirit to guide your days. ~Blessings

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Gift of Relationship

I came across these words written by Rosella Kameo who is a missionary in Indonesia. She writes, "Individualism has always been part of our Western identity. I wonder if we are so individualistic now, though, that we have lost sight of who we are. Have we lost our sense of community and commitment to the common good? Rising divorce rates, child abuse, and school shootings dominate our deadlines. Code orange warns us that we need to protect ourselves from the rest of the world. Could it be we are losing our ability to relate to others?"

That is a very powerful question and it makes me ask myself if indeed, are we losing our ability to be in relationship with each other? I don't think we ever really lose our ability, but somehow it has lost its importance. There was a time when our very survival depended on being in community with each other. Families lived close together and everyone helped each other with the day to day living. In some cultures and in some parts of the world it is still very much like that. Technology has made it possible to do almost anything through the computer so we don't have to talk to each other. Many of our children have grown up in front the this same computer as parents are busy trying to get everything done. One distraction can mean something gets left undone. I often hear people decribe that this feels like a treadmill and there is no time for relationship with family or anyone else. Each day becomes a list of things that have to get completed. Virginia Satir says describes it like this: " How often have I noticed people who looked without seeing, listened without hearing, spoke without meaning, moved without awareness, touched without feeling...The greatest gift I can give is to see, hear, understand and to touch another person." Peole have a basic human need to connect and be in relationship with others and when we get too busy to make that a priority, we lose our sense of belonging. And it is this sense of belonging that nurtures and sustains us.

We would love to hear your stories and comments about being in relationship and community with others. You can email us at

Friday, March 9, 2007

Holden Prayer for Peace

The picture you see to the left is a picture of Holden Village nestled in the Cascade Mountains of the Wenatchee National Forest in Chelan, WA. It is a place to retreat, but also a place to be in community with others. It is probably the most serene and peaceful place I have ever been. They make it very clear to you that the intention of Holden village is to provide a place for people to come to nourish their spirit. And in so doing they carry that renewed spirit back into the world as a way to help bring peace and well-being to our world. In 1985-1986 a piece of music was written called, Holden Evening Prayer, to hold and uplift the spirit of people and facilitate peace in our world. In that same spirit of peace, an excerpt of the prayer is offered here.

~ For peace between nations, for peace between peoples...hold us in love
~For all those who govern, that justice might guide them...hold us in love
~For all those who labor in service to others...hold us in Love
~Grant weather that nourishes all of creation...hold us in love
~Keep watch on our loved ones and keep us from danger...hold us in love
~Help us, comfort us, all of our days.

It is a beautiful prayer. May you be held in grace and love~

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Open Your Hands

Open Your Hands
I always find that when I am in need of a bit of inspiration or a different perspective, just the right thing will come along to remind me of what I need to know. That happened today as I realized I was holding unto something that I needed to let go of. I opened a book and this story appeared as if it was just waiting for me. Maybe some of you have heard it before; it is simple and yet powerful. The story goes like this...
In China, traps were set for monkey's by hollowing out a hole in a coconut the size of a monkey's open hand. Rice was put inside the coconut and left in a place where they would surely find it. Hungry monkeys could smell the rice and would put their open hand inside to get the rice. When they grabbed the rice in their fisted hand, it would no longer fit through the hole and they became trapped. The only way they could free themselves was to unclench their hand and let go of the rice.
As I read this again, I wondered what the motivation was for me to hang on so tightly and what it was exactly that I was holding on to? It may not be as important to get the answer, as it is to ask the question. The process of that opens your heart and mind to new possibilities. The story suggests that you open your hand to let go but I also know there is more. When you open your hand to do this, you are also opening your hand to receive what comes back to you. We tend to think of it as a one way movement, but in reality it is reciprocal. When we loosen our grip and set free what we are holding we put in motion the possibility of receiving. The native Hawaiian people have a ritual they practice each evening of letting go of the events of the day. This process opens the pathway for them to receive.They know and trust this two-fold process as a powerful way to embrace possibility.This is an invitation for you to imagine what the power of this process might look like in your own life. Blessings to you as you practice opening your hand to this reciprocal process!
We would love to hear your stories, either by posting a comment or by sending us a email at:

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Am I Good Enough?

Last week I watched the T.V. special by Oprah called, Building a Dream. It had been a dream of hers to build and develop a leadership school for girls in Africa. Just a few months ago, this dream became a reality when the school opened in South Africa. This show talked about the thought, care and love that went into making this dream a reality.

Having travelled to Africa just last year this show held special interest for me. The picture above was taken in Tanzania, Africa. These students are from the Image (E-magi) School and they were welcoming our group to their small village. While I was there I had the opportunity to visit many schools and interact with students of all ages. In a country where half the population is dying from AIDS and are largely uneducated in many areas, education is of extreme importance. Headmasters of schools and other leaders we met with, understand that if Africa is to rise from poverty and disease they need to educate their people. That is why the leadership academy Oprah built is so important.

But, that is not what really peaked my interest as I watched the special. As I traveled the villages of Tanzania and watched and interacted with the people (sometimes with translators and sometimes not)I realized the people have a strong sense of self. For the most part, they are clear about who they are and what they bring to the world. But they are also human. As I watched Oprah interview each girl I heard this same sense of self come through. Then she interviewed one girl who said with tears rolling down her cheeks, "Do you think I am good enough?" It is true, that question is part of all of us. Sometimes we are brave enough to say it out loud and sometimes it just hangs there like a cloud. With a tear coming down her face, Oprah gave the girl a hug and said, "Yes, I think you are good enough". We should all know we are "good enough" but sometimes we just need someone to put their arms around us and help us remember that yes, we are all "good enough" just as we are.

I believe that is the most important thing we can do for ourselves and others is to stay connected to our own self worth and help others do the same. That is the beauty of being in relationship with self and helps us to re-connect to that part of us that gives us life. And it is our relationship with others that helps us remember when we have forgotten.

~Blessings to you~

We would love to hear from a comment, or email us at This is so important because it is part of relationship and being part of community. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Sandy and Paula