The picture to the left is a little big, don't you think? I made it that big because that is what it feels like when we encounter an obstacle, especially one that is recurring or significant. I know where my mind goes when I can't find my way through something and feel pressured to find the way. I'm guessing I don't have to spend time telling you because that might be where you go too.
A dramatic learning for me is to realize that we can hold two perspectives at the same time. In fact, I think it is important because you must honor your experience and what you feel; it is imperative that you do without trying to fix it. As you are honoring what you feel you can also embrace that this is not the only truth of your life.
We know that we can rise above were we are and hold a higher perspective. It is harder sometimes than others but as seekers on this spiritual path we understand our connection to all that is. Eckhart Tolle say it this way..." You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. This is how important you are!"
When we are faced with an obstacle that seems insurmountable we have to keep a perspective that moves us toward what we want not away from it. This morning I asked these questions and asked God for guidance:
What is God's vision for me and what do I have to embrace to open up space for that vision to unfold?
With the light of your vision ask yourself; what opportunity does this obstacle present that will help me move forward. I believe life challenges are never put in your path to make you fail but they are there to help you grow past them and into your light. I know it takes courage to walk through these experiences but I believe it brings us to our most important work. Remember, you are loved and created holy and divine.
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