If you follow the church calendar, this is the season of Epiphany which means celebration of light. I think it is interesting that we celebrate light during one of the darkest and often coldest months of the year. January is also the first month of a brand new year that lies ahead of us. We might think if only we could see what is to come, but as we all know, that is not how it is.
Elisabeth Kubler Ross says, "It's only when we truly know and understand that we have limited time on earth ~ and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up ~ that we'll begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had."
She is right, none of us know when our time is up but we also don't know where our path this year might take us. We may not get a choice in where we go, but we always have a choice in how we go. In the flurry of our everyday living we often forget to open ourselves to the wonder that is part of even the most ordinary day. Opening ourselves to wonder helps us recognize the sacred in the ordinary.
I picked this picture because I have loved stained glass since I was a child. When you see a window at night it looks nice, but in the light of day with the sun coming through it, it is extraordinary. That is no different for us, when we light the light that is in us shine forth we see how wonderful we are. When we let our own light shine we are opening ourselves to the wonder around us and the joy each day brings.
Decide for yourself to celebrate the light that is within you and the joy and wonder of living, regardless of your situation. Wishing you the light of the season.
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