Several years ago a friend of mind gave me a deck of Angel Cards. The cards are beautifully done and have a wonderful inspirational messages to go with them. Tonight when I was having trouble finding just the right topic to write about, I pulled a random card from the deck. The card I pulled was about finding the blessings in your current situation. I had to laugh because the idea of Blessings was the theme of this last week. It started with a women I met who said that she wanted to have a Internet site just for the purpose of wishing everyone Blessings and Peace. What a simple and powerful thing to do...just sending Blessings and Peace to everyone we know. So now just for a minute close your eyes and begin to send Blessings and Peace to everyone you know... now include all the people you are having difficulty with...how does that feel.
I carried this idea around with me for the week and it made me wonder what change might be created if we all did that each day. I know we don't always feel like we are blessed, often we feel lost and discouraged. So how does one make that shift from feeling discouraged to feeling blessed. I think it is a conscious decision to look for the blessings despite the circumstances. For me it is getting out of my head and into my heart...most often I have found that I have stood in my own way to receiving the blessings that are already there. Sometimes I have to gently push aside the fear and trust that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and God has richly blessed me.
Each day in my early morning meditation I send Blessings and Peace to everyone and to all parts of the world to bring about understanding and harmony in this world. Will you join me? I will end with this beautiful prayer ~
May the blessing of God go before you.
May her grace and peace abound
May her spirit live within you.
May her love wrap around you.
May her blessings remain with you always.
May you walk on holy ground.
~Miriam Therese Winter
Blessings and Peace,