Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Time of Preparation

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas seems to be a time of waiting for Christmas to come. It is really much more than that. In the Christian traditions this time is called Advent and is really about preparation as well as waiting. We are not a culture that waits for much of anything. There is fast food, information at our fingertips, fast and easy answers to the most complex know exactly what I am talking about. The mind set seems to be that there is not time to wait for much of anything. A question that comes to mind is what are we willing to wait for and what would make that worthwhile?

The idea of waiting can also be about preparation just like this time of Advent. You hear it in Biblical songs and text that people were waiting and preparing their hearts and minds for a birth of a Saviour. Even if this is not your belief system, there is something very important about preparing your heart and mind for the mystery of everyday living. This is not a place of instant gratification...instead this is a place of pause. The pause may be meditation, prayer, journaling, or painting. It does not much matter because the pause is the quiet place in which the spirit can enter. It might be called a sacred place, an opening in which grace can enter our lives. What would our world look like if individually and collectively we were willing to prepare and wait as our lives unfold?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too am guilty of not being one who likes to wait. But I have learned through the past few years that the waiting is not in vain; rather for me it has been a time of healing and preparation as God has worked in me to heal a wounded and unforgiving heart. I can sincerely look at myself now and see that I am a changed woman and believe that God has done this to prepare me for what He has in my future.

Thank you for this opportunity to share, I look forward to hearing from others on this journey we call life.