Monday, April 20, 2009
Making A Difference

Thursday, April 9, 2009

By Paula Becker
Use Your Breath To Reduce Stress
The most powerful way to decrease stress is through your breathing. When we are stressed and worried our muscles tighten and our breathing becomes fast and shallow. Many people notice that they will even hold their breath for periods of time. Muscle tension and shallow breathing add to anxiety and decreases our ability to think clearly. Remarkable improvements to health and mood can be experienced simply by increasing the amount of oxygen in the body.
This simple and effective process can be used anytime and in almost any setting:
Sit or stand so that your back is straight and both feet are on the floor.
Bring your attention into your body and your awareness onto your breath.
Slowly take a breath through your nose counting to five. Let your lungs fill from the bottom, expanding your belly first and then your chest.
Release air slowly out of your mouth to the count of eight.
The idea is not only to breathe more deeply, but to reduce the number of breaths taken from 10 or 12 per minute down to 4 or 5 per minute.
Practice this for three to five minutes or stop periodically throughout the day and take one minute to breathe in this manner.
As you practice this kind of slow deep breathing you will find yourself less anxious and more energetic. Changing your breathing pattern to this type of healthy breathing takes practice and concentration. Use a cell phone timer or a timer on your computer to help to remember to stop and breathe.
Paula Becker is a licensed psychologist and Director of InnerLight Healing Center (Formerly Burnsville Counseling and Healing Center). For information about stress reduction and wellness programs for individuals, businesses or churches, visit our website at http://www.counselingandhealing.com or call 952-435-4144
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
A Prayer For the World
Friday, March 27, 2009
The World We Can Imagine

As much as we might want to, it is very hard to escape what is going on in the world around us. If we have not been personally affected, we have friends or family who have lost their jobs or are in severe financial crises. We only have to tune into the nightly news to hear how grim the situation appears. It often feels like it is too much to take in as we try to make sense of how this will improve. People tell me they often feel overwhelmed, describing that they can feel the stress in their bodies. It is true, that never before have we experienced this kind of stress and anxiety about the state of our circumstances. We are in uncharted waters and are fearful of the things we know and paralyzed by the things we don’t know.
This kind of fear and anxiety zaps our precious energy, limits our ability to solve our own problems and skews our perception in a way that causes us to lose hope. Consciously we are a hopeful in the face of adversity, but people are feeling the need to be reminded of that now more than ever.
Stress is most often described as something that happens outside of our selves. It is the unexpected life circumstances of which we have little control over that shake our foundation, leaving us feeling vulnerable and at the mercy of life. As common as this belief is, deep down we know that it is not true. Stress comes from the way that we react, emotionally and spiritually, to the things that are happening to us. That is how one person’s blessing is another’s worst case scenario; it all depends on how we choose to view it. I learned this profound lesson while on a mission trip in Tanzania. We had the privilege to stay among the people in a village called Idunda. One morning my friend and I were watching the sun rise over the mountain top in this poor, but beautiful place. As we were watching this magnificent sight, we saw women coming toward us carrying 5 gallon pails of water on their heads. This is a common sight in Africa, but what we noticed was something more profound. As these women carried these pails of water on their head, some with babies on their backs, they were singing and joyful. My friend and I were almost moved to tears when we realized that our perspective would be very different. The people in Africa have this deep connection to Spirit that helps them trust in things they don’t know and believe in things they cannot see. They have this perpetual hope that in the midst of the poverty that surrounds them that they can imagine a world where all things are possible.
It is true our world looks somewhat grim and there appears to be no easy answers. In times like this we are asked to not judge what is possible by what is in front of us but by what lies within each of us. It is imperative that we build a relationship with the spirit that lives within us and through us. Einstein said that we cannot solve a problem with the consciousness that created it and we won’t solve our problems now either unless we embrace a higher perspective that includes this connection.
You and I are being called to imagine a different world than the one being presented to us through the media. We are being asked to go back to the long forgotten idea of looking inside ourselves for the answers. We are not different than the people of Africa because we are being asked to imagine the world as we would like to see it, knowing our thoughts and actions will make this vision a reality. Remembering that we are spiritual beings and our connection to what is deep inside of us, gives us a way to look at the world through a different lens. Within each of us lies this untapped possibility choose to choose which lens we wish to view our life our life and world through. This perspective helps us begin to imagine the world we would like to see; it is up to each of us. There as never been a more important time to embrace the spirit within, and begin to trust without knowing and believe without seeing. Blessings on your journey.
This article was written by Sandy Thibault and first appeared in the Savage Pacer, Feb. 2009.
Sandy Thibault is a life coach and Director at InnerLight Healing Center and co-founder of the Institute for Peace and Joy. To find out more about individual coaching sessions or speaking, you may call 952-435-4144 or email inpeaceandjoy@msn.com
Saturday, January 24, 2009

The picture to the left is a little big, don't you think? I made it that big because that is what it feels like when we encounter an obstacle, especially one that is recurring or significant. I know where my mind goes when I can't find my way through something and feel pressured to find the way. I'm guessing I don't have to spend time telling you because that might be where you go too.
A dramatic learning for me is to realize that we can hold two perspectives at the same time. In fact, I think it is important because you must honor your experience and what you feel; it is imperative that you do without trying to fix it. As you are honoring what you feel you can also embrace that this is not the only truth of your life.
We know that we can rise above were we are and hold a higher perspective. It is harder sometimes than others but as seekers on this spiritual path we understand our connection to all that is. Eckhart Tolle say it this way..." You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. This is how important you are!"
When we are faced with an obstacle that seems insurmountable we have to keep a perspective that moves us toward what we want not away from it. This morning I asked these questions and asked God for guidance:
What is God's vision for me and what do I have to embrace to open up space for that vision to unfold?
With the light of your vision ask yourself; what opportunity does this obstacle present that will help me move forward. I believe life challenges are never put in your path to make you fail but they are there to help you grow past them and into your light. I know it takes courage to walk through these experiences but I believe it brings us to our most important work. Remember, you are loved and created holy and divine.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A Prayer For Our Nation
We ask you to join with us wherever you are, for prayer and meditation for the bright future of your nation, with the following prayer:
May we as nation be guided by the Divine to rediscover the sacred flame of our national heritage, which so many have given their lives to safeguard;
Let the wounds of separation and division be healed by opening our hearts to listen to the truth on all sides, allowing us to find a higher truth that includes us all;
May we learn to honor and enjoy our diversity and differences as a people, even as we more deeply touch our fundamental unity;
May we, as a people, undergo a transformation that will draw forth individuals to lead our nation who embody courage, compassion and a higher vision;
May our leaders inspire us, and we so inspire each other with our potential as individuals and as a nation, that a new spirit of forgiveness, caring and honesty be born in our nation;
May we, as a united people, move with clear, directed purpose to take our place within the community of nations to help build a better future for all humankind;
May we as a nation rededicate ourselves to truly living as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all;
And may God's Will be done for the United States, as we, the people, align with that Will.
By Gordon Davidson and Corinne McLaughlin, Center for Visionary Leadership
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Christmas Quiet

Each year, Deb has asked me to do a mediation to help people prepare their hearts and minds to receive the light of this season. I would like to share that with you as a meditative reading and I urge you to take a few minutes every day to become quiet and let the light of God that is within you shine shine brightly.
It is time to take a pause from the world around us, to open our hearts and minds to the light of the season, and to remember that God resides in our very own heart. Right where you are, right now, take a deep breath as you begin to prepare your heart and mind to receive God's ever present blessings. As you consciously take deep breaths allow your body to relax and allow your mind to calm, putting everything else aside and begin to imagine the magnificence of this Season of Light.
In the stars that grace the darkness...in the blazing sun of dawn... in the light of peace and wisdom...I can hear your quiet song. It is love that fills the night with wonder...love that warms the weary soul and it is love that sets us free and makes us whole.
Imagine that in the stars that grace the darkness, one belongs to you. Imagine that this star will guide your way when your path is cloudy. Right now close your eyes for a moment and let this star come into your minds eye. This star is your light, it is there to remind you of the light that is within you and the light that is ever present. This illuminates the wonder that is all around us, not just now but always.
Wonder comes in the kindness of a person. Where were you shown kindness today? Where did you show kindness? It is the grace we extend to one another...it is the acknowledgement of the goodness present in our lives. How did you see the goodness in the world today? It is the mystery of God and your star is a reminder of love and goodness... of unconditional love.
We are called to extend love, without condition, to ourselves and others; love is the healing balm that heals the weariest of souls. This is the invitation to us...it is simple...to love and let our own lights shine. This is what gives way to peace... hearing God voice...and hearing the wisdom of our own hearts.
Allow this to warm your heart and again imagine you can see the bright star as it shines right into you. Take it in...it is love...imagine that it will guide your heart and give your strength and guidance. Now imagine your star falling gently from the night sky, with no effort from you, to land right in your very own hands. That is God's grace extended to you... look at it in awe and wonder... and like a prayer rising up like incense into the heavens...allow your light to extend out of you as an offering and a blessing to everyone you meet.
Christmas Blessings,