There is a small office tucked away in a small corner office in St. Paul that is making a powerful difference in the lives of people who have been affected by child abuse. The organization is called, Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota. They are a dedicated group of staff and volunteers who advocate on behalf of the victims, help people heal from the trauma of abuse and offer support for both the victims and those who are the perpetrators of that abuse. You may have seen lawn signs like this one as April is Child Abuse Awareness Month.
This morning as I drove to work and saw several of these signs, I said a quiet prayer for both the victims and the perpetrators. Somewhere along my healing journey I realized that we have a tremendous amount of compassion for children who are victim's of this kind of trauma. However, when those same children grow up and repeat what they had been taught we can't believe how someone could do such a thing. I am asking for compassion for those who have been hurt and are hurting and understanding and forgiveness for those who do these kinds of things. They need our help as well and our thoughts and prayers will make a big difference.
Blessings to you,