There comes a time when it is imperative that we really listen to everything we are telling ourselves. We have to decide if we are being honest with ourselves or if we are telling ourselves a little white lie. In my experience, I have found that when we do not tell ourselves or others the truth it is because we are fearful thinking the lie will be protecting the person or ourselves. Lately I have become aware of the ways I have not been honest with myself . Often it was blatant but other times, it is often so subtle it is hard to recognize.
My past was abusive so I always lied about my living circumstances, the amount of danger I was living in and how much fear I really had. One might say that it was justified but I continued it long after the abuse ended and into adulthood. I never told the truth to anyone about my life but that was not really the problem; I never told the truth to myself either. And those lies affected everything.
I eventually had to make peace not only with what happened but with the lies I had told myself. That is where the risk comes in...it is not easy to look inside and realize what I had told myself and realize where that had lead me. Although one day I realized I could no longer be dishonest with myself.
This is where the subtly comes in...it is sometimes so automatic we don't realize we are even doing it. Paula and I just finished the Stories of Hope program where we focused on seeing the light in others but more importantly about seeing it in ourselves. I think many of us are dishonest about that. If we see our deception to seeing our own light it bears some risk. That risk is about knowing our own truth and creating new paths to follow based on a new truth. With this knowledge of who we are, we can no longer stay on a path that limits our vision and our purpose; we must live out our purpose in the world. It is the light in ourselves and others that opens us to the great possibilities that are already there for each of us...we only have to tap into the energy of it to be in sync with our highest purpose.
I would ask each of you to consider looking at the story you are living out each and every day and be sure that it is based on your highest good. That is our true calling to risk what we truly believe and to trust the light that shines from within.
Blessings to you~